bank instrument providers

How One Investor Is Transforming Pennies Into Pure Gold

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DL Financial leasing BG

What if you found out that in six months from now you could be making as much money as some of the wealthiest tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley? Jonas Elmerraji wants to show you how.

What the mainstream advice about investing will tell you is that there is no better way to grow your money than buying a stock and sitting on it. But if you think about it, that strategy is almost as effective as putting your money away for safekeeping in a bank: the growth is slow and you won’t be able to see your returns and actually hold them in your hands until years from now.

There are better investment options available to you even if you’ve never owned a single stock in your entire life. Jonas Emerraji wants to tell you about the under-the-radar way that you can connect with some of the most profitable companies operating today—companies that are making people rich from investments that amount to just pennies.

It’s an investment strategy that targets what’s known in the business world as business development companies, or BDCs for short. These tiny companies offer stocks at extremely affordable prices right now, but that won’t last for long. When these companies get ready go public their value soars, making early investors millionaires.

What you must be asking yourself right now is why, if these companies are so profitable, why aren’t the huge investment houses dominating them right off the bat?

There’s a reason.

The giant Wall Street firms that otherwise run the industry aren’t allowed to touch these companies thanks to a law called the Small Business Investment Incentive Act. What it means is that you get a chance to invest in profitable small companies before they turn into the next news cycle’s IPO giants.

To help investors identify profitable BDCs, Elmerraji has developed a program that is transforming the world of finance. It’s called Penny Stock Fortunes.

Elmerraji has the expertise to back his picks. Through his work with some of the biggest finance houses he has made his name in the industry, and has been featured on well known media outlets such as MSNBC,, Forbes and many other top-tier business media markets. The kind of access that Elmerrajii is offering isn’t something you’ll come across when you set up an appointment with the financial adviser down at your bank. This is trading wisdom.

If you’ve never invested before this is a chance to get into the market without costing you all of your savings, and the potential to make money off it is astronomical. Imagine being able to lend Steve Jobs five bucks to get Apple started when he was still running it out of his garage. If you asked Apple to cash out your five dollar investment on the day of a new iPhone release you’d be a multi-millionaire. This is your chance to get that level of access and ROI in a stock.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference. 
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.
DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

Investing For Income: Insider’s Tips

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Anyone who wishes to grow their personal wealth should know the ins and outs of investing for income. Income from investments can come in the form of dividends from shares and coupon interest payments from bonds, which can then be re-invested and compounded, or withdrawn. 

Why invest for income?

The goal of investing in bonds, cash, equities and property is aimed at delivering an investment return from both income and capital growth – as well as to allocate money according to current market conditions and projections.

Income from investments for some is a long term goal, while for others its’ a more immediate need – to finance spending or impending retirement, for example.

Income can also be seen as the indicator of a good investment: many investors believe that companies which pay good dividends tend to display good discipline and performance over time. M&G fund manager, Steven Andrew noted that 60% of people who invested with his company choose to reinvest their returns – which can have a powerful compounding effect over a long period of time.

The 2014 Barclays Equity Gilt study, which looks at long-term returns, showed that £100 invested in UK shares in 1945 would be worth £9,347 if dividends had been taken as cash – but would be worth £177,620 if they were reinvested to buy more shares instead.

Things to Consider When Investing for Income

Both shares and bonds are important as parts of an investing for income plan. The combination of both can make for a more solid, durable portfolio – even the best paying companies have bad quarters and years, depending on many economic factors. Interest payments from government and corporate bonds can help balance out and cushion more volatile investments.

Equally important is to dynamically adjust your holdings of shares and bonds to account for future predictions, rather than simply let initial amounts of stock sit. Investors should be sure, therefore, not only to diversify, but also to beware overpaying for bonds.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference. 
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.
DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

Genuine Providers of Bank Instruments (Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantee, SBLC, DLC)

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FL Financial genuine Bank Guarantee provider

We are direct providers of freshly cut bank instruments like BG (Bank Guarantee), MTN’s (Medium Term Note), SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit) & DPLC’s (Direct Pay Letter of Credit) CD’s (Certificate of Deposit),  and just about every other type of financial instruments available through our network.


  • Bank Guarantee (BG) in US$ or Euros
  • Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) in US$ or Euros
  • Medium Term Notes (MTN’s) in US$ or Euros
  • Treasury Bills (T-Bill) in US$ or Euros
  • Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC, SLC, LC) in US$ or Euros
  • Promissory Notes in US$ or Euros
  • Discounting of Bank Instruments


Our bank instruments can be engaged in PPP Trading, Discounting, signature project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Roads, Bridges, Hospitals, Hotels, Condo, Real Estate and all kind of international business trading including oil/gas business, diesel, Gold Dust, Gold Bars, Rough Diamonds etc.

Below is our detailed terms and procedure for BG/SBLC.

Description of Instruments:

1. Instrument:             Bank Guarantee (BG) /StandBy Letter of Credit (SBLC)
2. Total Face Value:      Eur/USD 1Million (Min) to Eur/USD 50Billion (Max)
3. Issuing Bank:            Barclays Bank, HSBC, Lloyds Bank London, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsch Bank AG,  Frankfurt  or any AA Rated Bank.
4. Age:                       One Year and  One Day
5. Leasing Price:           4% of Face Value a plus 2% brokers commission (1% for the lessee side and 1% for the lessor side, PLEASE NOTE, THIS BROKERS COMMISSION COMES INTO EFFECT ONLY IF THERE ARE BROKERS INVOLVED IN THE TRANSACTION)
6. Delivery:                  Bank-To-Bank Swift.
7. Payment:                 Wire Transfer
8. Hard Copy:               Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference.
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.

Selling, Funding and Monetizing a (LEASED) Bank Guarantee

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If you want to Sell, Monetize, Discount or Fund a Leased Bank Guarantee, we provide 100% Guarantee of Non Recourse Funding… for all Top 25 Bank instruments! 

If you have a Real Leased Bank Guarantee, we have Real Funders, Simple Procedures, Proven Results and are Easy to work with!

Here is what we provide:

  • Accepted Leased BGs from $10 Million to $5 Billion
  • Funding completed by AAA Rated Top 25 World Bank
  • Payments are Completed within 72 Hours of Leased Bank Guarantee Delivery!
  • 100% Guaranteed Non Recourse Monetization, Funding or Discounting
  • All Funds are Wired to Clients from a Top UK Paymaster Attorney protecting the privacy of each clients receiving bank account
  • Leased BG LTV 50% / Owned BG LTV 80%
  • Brokers Always Protected! 
  • Comprehensive Funding Agreement with:
    • HUGE Funder Penalty Clause protecting you!
    • Full Bank Account Delivery Coordinates for your BG Issuer to send the Bank Guarantee directly to.
    • Complete details of the Funders Bank Officers
    • Entire Company and Passport details of the Bank Guarantee Funder, Monetizer, Discounter
    • Detailed Funder Performance Guarantees

DL Financial Ltd issues Real Bank Guarantees, real and genuine SBLC’s and completes Real Funding without long stories!

Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, maybe its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd.

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Proof of Funding (PoF), Bank Guarantee (BG), & Monetisation

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               Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC),
Proof of Funding (PoF),
Bank Guarantee (BG),
& Monetisation

Standby Letter of Credit, one of the least understood but most powerful small business financing tools. While it’s used fairly extensively by larger companies, many small business owners frequently wonder what a standby letter of credit is, and aren’t aware of how it can help them and their enterprise succeed.

Proof of Funds is a document prepared by a financial institution that affirms that an individual or business entity has the funds on hand to enter into a given financial transaction. A document of this type is sometimes prepared at the request of a seller who is considering an offer from a buyer. The seller requests the proof through the buyer, who in turn authorizes his or her bank or other institution to provide data that confirms the ability to honor the terms of the transaction.

We have also developed relationships with some of the Top banks in the world to Monetize Bank Instruments for clients worldwide by arranging the monetization against owned bank instruments such as BG’s (Bank Guarantees), LOC’s (Letter of Credit), SBLC’s (Standby Letter of Credit), and other banking and financial instruments.

This form of financing can be used in combination with our cash backed stand by letter of credit (SBLC) or Bank Guarantee (BG) Program in order to monetize the newly created document to obtain the right funds for project financing.

Monetizing bank instruments is the process of liquidating such instruments by converting them into legal tender. We can monetize or lend on just about any bank instrument to be used for project funding, move them into various trading platforms quickly and easily, as well as creatively incorporating them into financing certain development projects. We can monetize CD’s, SBLC’s, DPLC’s, BG’s and MTN’s. This can be accomplished in 5-15 business days.

Monetizing a sblc or stand by letter of credit is becoming rather common. Many people refer to this as sblc funding or sblc financing since you are essentially obtaining cash on the basis of the sblc or bank guarantee.


Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, then its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference. 

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers,  lease or rent sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.

Real Cost of Project Funding

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Having a great idea is not enough to get millions of dollars of funding, or even any money at all. An idea is just a start.
Creating a plan, including a business plan, financial projections, marketing research and feasibility studies involves money, time and energy.
The effort of making that plan available to potential investors requires even more funds. Throwing it out on free platforms will not do the trick. It’s too busy there. Quality investors don’t have the time to roam all these solicitations. Actually, they don’t have time for any solicitations at all.
An investor or funding source needs to be approached professionally. By introduction or recommendation for example, or with a well crafted message. Find websites where investors look for funding opportunities, go to business plan contests, attend investing conferences.
Once the plan gets into the hands of an investor, and the investor shows interest, the end is not in sight yet. This is just the beginning. Before the funding source digs in its pockets to provide funds for you, it needs to check your funding proposal.
The questions are: 
Who is this person? What is their experience? Have they done business before?
What kind of qualified team will execute this plan? What are their credentials?
Are the numbers and projections quoted realistic? 
Are the facts stated in the plan true? 
What are the risks involved, what will you do to mitigate the risks?
How will I get my money back, what kind of exit is possible? How long will it take?
What is the potential profit in this venture? 
What is the competition like? 
The funding seeker will have to answer these questions. The way he or she formulates these replies tells the investor a lot. Replies that are to the point, with quality information and complete documents are necessary.
In order to verify all of this information, the funding source will have to examine the project. This is called due diligence. There will be all kinds of expenses:
Travel expenses
Accountants fees
Analysts fees
Legal expenses
Funding sources will not pick up all of these expenses anymore, things have changed in the financial world. Investment banks and venture capital firms are well paid professions. They don’t work for free. They do charge hefty fees.
Loan originators may be a bit more lenient and add on points to the settlement date of the loan, however, they need to do their homework. They are not banks who have you or the public in general as a customer. They want to be paid for their day-to-day routine. No matter what the outcome is of their time and energy invested in your proposal, they need to be paid.
Conclusion: in order to raise funds, you need some money. You need a budget to find funding. Use savings, partners, a small loan, or ideally, get started with your business. Start small, prove that it works and that it is profitable. It will buy you a lot of goodwill from your funding sources.
An afterthought: A great way to raise funds is to issue your own securities. It’s like turning the tables in the funding process. You’re the one in charge, setting the conditions. This prevents mistakes in the compliance process for raising capital with the public. The JOBS Act has relaxed the rules for fundraising.
Email us today for your Loan, project finance, Bank Guarantee, SBLC etc.

Proof of Funds, POF, Blocked Funds

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Proof of Funds

Proof of Funds is an efficient and inexpensive way to achieve your financial goals. The Proof of Funds we arrange for you is a real bank account with actual, verifiable, secured deposits – in your company name – that can be used to enhance your financial position and, where needed, buy you time during a transaction.

Proof of Funds, sometimes referred to as ‘leased funds’, demonstrate that you have legitimate and obtainable funds available to use for a transaction. We can arrange varying levels of Proof of Funds from any prime bank of your choice.

A. Procedure for Proof of Funds via SWIFT MT799

1. Client completes POF Application.
2. The completed and signed POF application is mailed to us via email attachment.

3. The Contract Agreement will then be signed.
The customer will transfer the Arrangement Fee into any of our chosen company accounts.
5. The Proof of Funds account is established.
6. A SWIFT MT799 is issued evidencing the funds in the account.

B. Procedure for Proof of Funds via Bank to Bank Verification 

1. Client completes POF Application.
2. The completed and signed POF application is mailed to us via email attachment.
3. The Contract Agreement will then be signed by both parties.
4. The customer will transfer the Arrangement Fee into any of our chosen company accounts.
5. The Proof of Funds account is established.
6. A Bank Statement is issued evidencing the funds in the account.
7. The account is verified Bank to Bank.


Proof of Funds Can Help

Buy/Sell Transactions.

Private Investment Opportunities.


Precious Metals Transactions.

Oil and Fuel Transactions.

Other Commodity Transactions.

Leverage Funding

Credit Enhancement.

Infrastructure Projects.



Upon meeting our criteria your Proof of Funds facility is assured. And it will be provided in a prompt and professional manner.

Simple and Smooth

Our process is hassle free:

  • No Background Checks.
  • No Credit Report / Credit Scores.
  • No Business Plan / Executive Summary.
  • No ‘jumping through hoops’.

Diversity: We draw on a diverse network of banks.

Discreet: Your privacy is assured.

YOUR SUCCESS: When you need to finance a purchase or a position arises and conventional sources are not the answer, Proof of Funds may be the solution. DL Financial Limited can help you turn an adverse situation into a positive outcome.

But you must be aware of your part in the process:

Too often we see proposed transactions not proceed because the client does not have the capacity to pay the Arrangement Fee. Proof of Funds can leverage you to another level but this first step is not and cannot be free. You cannot successfully close POF or letters of credit transaction with empty pocket.

Properly applied, Proof of Funds is a powerful and cost effective tool.

We proudly work with honest and knowledgeable Brokers.

We will help you get what you need, so kindly email us today for your proof of funds and letters of credit needs including Lease Bank guarantee, SBLC, MTN, DLC etc.


Real Estate Funding

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DL Financial Limited would like to introduce you to an alternative to bank financing or hard money loans that allows an investor to greatly leverage their capital, without incurring debt or interest payments. Our greatest strength is in our vast experience in real estate financing, where our expertise at handling complex situations is rare. If you want creativity and determination brought to your deal, DL Financial Limited has what it takes to get your deal funded. Our approach is to remain fast and flexible, with streamlined decision making and sensible underwriting. With international financial resources and the ability to commit from $1 million to $500 million of equity to any single investment, DL Financial Limited is the only source you need to fund your real estate acquisitions.

Why DL Financial LTD? – Today’s commercial real estate investor has fewer and fewer options available to them when it comes to leveraging their existing capital. There is traditional bank financing which becomes increasingly more difficult to obtain due to the crisis in the credit markets. There are hard money loans which, while readily available, still require low loan to value ratios, inflated closing costs and astronomical interest rates. DL Financial Limited uses a joint venture platform to partner with investors, offering up to 10 times capital investment in a real estate venture over and above the investor?s available capital.

How is a Joint Venture with DL Financial Limited Structured? Since this is a joint venture between DL Financial Limited and the investor, the capital invested by DL Financial Limited is an equity investment that exists jointly with the investor?s capital in a single purpose entity which then maintains an equity interest in the real estate asset. No debt is placed on the asset, no interest is charged, and the cash flow from the property is equitably divided between the investor and DL Financial Limited, with the investor receiving 30% of the cash flow of the asset for their 12% investment in the asset.

Why Capital Leveraging through Joint Venture? The most effective way to demonstrate the financial leveraging power of a joint venture is through direct comparison to an all cash purchase and traditional bank financing. What you will see by the following illustration is that leveraging your capital with DL Financial Limited greatly increases your return on capital deployed, without increasing your risk or exposure. This example shows how an investor(s) with $10,000,000 in existing capital, targeting assets with an average net operating income of 7%, increases their return on investment from 7% on an all cash deal, to 9% using traditional bank financing, or to 18.8% using DL Financial Limited JV funding.

All Cash Purchase 1/3 Down Bank Loan 90/10 JV Financing
Purchase Price $10,000,000 Purchase Price $30,000,000 Purchase Price $89,600,000
Investor Cash $10,000,000 Investor Cash $10,000,000 Investor Cash $9,600,000
Financed $0 Financed $20,000,000 One Time Deal Set Up Fee $400,000
Loan Rate N/A Loan Rate 6% BBC Funder $80,000,000
Income $700,000 Income $2,100,000 Loan Rate 0%
Loan Cost $0 Loan Cost $1,200,000 Income $6,272,000
Net Income $700,000 Net Income $900,000 Loan Cost $0
Annual ROI 7% Annual ROI 9% Net Income $6,272,000
Annual ROI:    
Investor (30% Equity) $1,881,600 18.8%
BBC Funder (70% Equity) $4,390,400 5.5%

Entertainment and Film Financing

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Here at DL Financial we offer a radical new approach for film and television financing. In collaboration with a European Merchant bank we have developed a unique customizable financing program that will fund up to 100% of Film and TV production budget on confirmation that the film has a Minimum cash deposit of $100,000 USD

This modern, distinctive and cohesive structure is the result of months of work by DL Financial to deliver significant breakthroughs. Using our innovative funding formula that empowers Producers in ways that have previously been unavailable, our structure balances your risk, ownership, flexibility and speed of approval which is now being used by the Titans of the Industry.

1 Million Dollars and Over

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Loan and Investments Limited money

We prefer to deal with funding transactions that are 1 Million Dollars and Over. Loan Transactions below 1 Million Dollars are completed by negotiation.

We fund Private Capital, Private Equity, Private Lender, Private Placement Programs, Project Funding, Real Estate, Business & Entertainment Funding, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds, and all types of projects locally and international. So if you have any project that needs funding just send us your requirements via email.

Our Team of Highly Informed Experts has a commitment to the Highest Standards of Professionalism and has a Passion for adding value to the Companies and Projects we work with.

DL Financial Ltd issues Real Bank Guarantees, real and genuine SBLC’s and completes Real Funding without long stories!

Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, maybe its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd.

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.