draft of the LC

A night of terror in Paris leaves more than 150 people dead

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A series of shootings and explosions have rocked Paris in at least three separate attacks, with more than 150 dead, according to police and news reports. French president François Hollande declared a state of emergency after the “unprecedented” attacks, calling in the army as the country temporarily sealed its borders.

French authorities said all of the attackers were dead, but were looking for accomplices. Eight terrorists were involved in the attacks, and seven of those killed themselves with explosive devices, authorities said.

Here are where the attacks took place:

Le Bataclan

French special forces evacuate people, as people gather near the Bataclan concert hall in Paris.(Reuters/Christian Hartmann)

The deadliest of the attacks took place at the music hall Le Bataclan, in the 11th arrondissement, where an American band, Eagles of Death Metal, were playing a concert.

After reports of many people being taken hostage, and of the attackers beginning to fire on the concert goers, French police stormed the building, killing two attackers.

Reports suggest a horrendous death toll of more than 100 people at the venue, according to AFP, citing anonymous police sources.

Here’s a shot of the concert before the attack took place:

Julien Pearce, a journalist with Europe 1 who was in the concert hall during the attack, had this account (translated from French):

I was inside the concert hall when many armed individuals entered in the middle of the concert. Two or three people without masks arrived with automatic weapons, Kalashnikov style, and started to fire blindly into the crowd. … It was extremely violent and there was a wave of panic—everybody ran from the scene, there were moments of trampling, I myself was trampled. … The assailants had to often reload, at least three times. They were not masked. They were very young. They did not say a word, as far as I could tell.

A 23-year old Turkish woman who was at the concert told Libération (translated by Slate):

I was in the pit, when suddenly I heard noises, like fireworks. At the time I thought it was part of the show, then I turned around and I saw a person who had just taken a bullet in the eye. She grabbed her head and collapsed. Then, everyone got on the ground, we were hearing shots. The shooters were shooting at random at people who were lying down, everyone was playing dead but it didn’t make any difference for them. I was lying in the fetal position but my feet were blocked by someone’s body. I managed to slide my feet out of my shoes and I ran backstage, because an exit was just nearby, with three other people, who were injured.

Le Petit Cambodge

A French police officer takes cover while on the lookout for the shooters who attacked the restaurant Le Petit Cambodge.(European Pressphoto Agency/Etienne Laurent)

In another attack, several gunmen reportedly opened fire at Le Petit Cambodge, a beloved Cambodian restaurant in rue Bichat, part of the the trendy Canal Saint Martin neighborhood. Eleven people were killed, the AP reported, citing a police official.

Vincent Berthézène, a reporter for France 24, was on the scene:

Liberation (link in French) reported that patrons of a nearby bar, Le Carrillon, were also injured in the shooting.

Stade de France

Police stand outside the Stade de France.

At least one explosion took place near the Stade de France, where the French and German national soccer teams were playing. Police subsequently confirmed that the explosion took place in a bar near the stadium.

At least three people were killed, according the AP.

Reports say president Hollande was attending the match and was subsequently moved to safety.

The explosion is audible in this Vine:

Mashable reported that as match attendees left the stadium, they sang the French national anthem.

France’s response

France’s state of emergency—the first time such an act has been imposed country-wide, according to Le Monde (link in French)—will “allow the ​house​ arrest of any person whose activity is dangerous, the temporary closure of theaters and meeting ​places​, the ​confiscation​ of weapons, and the ability to carry out administrative searches,” thecabinet said in a release.

The president also cancelled a trip to Turkey on Nov. 15 for the G20 summit, and sent 1,500 troops to Paris.

The world reacts

US president Barack Obama held a brief press conference, where he called the events an attack “not just on Paris, not just on the people of France” but “on all of humanity and the universal values we share.” He said he had not yet spoken to Hollande but would soon, and that the two had spoken earlier in the day about preparations for the G20 meeting scheduled for this weekend in Turkey.

“We’re going to do whatever it takes to work with the French people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice and to go after any terrorist networks that go after [our people],” Obama said.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference.
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
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SBLC and Bank Guarantees from Russia, Ukraine and Venezuela

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Russia, the Ukraine and Venezuela are off the Bank Guarantee Issuers and Monetizers Menu!INSTRUMENTS FROM RUSSIA

Wars, rioting in the streets, civil disobedience, massive internal economic instability and in Venezuela’s case… rampant inflation are not recipes for safe investing by any financial markets, companies or banks.

As a result we are NOT currently accepting any Bank Guarantees or Financial Instruments from Russia, the Ukraine or Venezuela. The risk with Bank Guarantees from these countries is just far too high and there are too many unknown factors that could significantly adversely affect the currency, financial markets and underlying value of these financial instruments.

If you wouldn’t invest in a highly volatile potential war zone, don’t be surprised that monetizers and bank guarantee discounters won’t invest either.

Our strong recommendation is stay with Top 25 Banks, that way you stay safe, protected and secure.


DL Financial Ltd issues Real Bank Guarantees, real and genuine SBLC’s and completes Real Funding without long stories!

Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, maybe its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd.

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
Skype: dl.financials.limited
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

How to investigate the bottom of the ocean — without getting wet

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Imagine climbing into the cockpit of your own personal submarine, zooming and diving through the depths of the ocean and exploring otherwise-unreachable underwater worlds — all without needing to know how to swim. That’s the promise of Trident, a new, ultra-compact underwater drone that can travel faster, dive deeper and stay submerged longer than the average scuba diver can, all while sharing discoveries live to the Internet. David Lang, TED Fellow and co-founder of OpenROV – the robotics company that pioneered the world’s first open source, low-cost underwater robot – shares why he thinks this new robot heralds a new era of underwater exploration.


Now you, too, can be an underwater explorer. About the size of a fat three-ring binder, Trident is a portable, remote-controlled, easy-to-use underwater robot that promises to open up underwater exploration to anyone curious about what lies beneath the waves. Costing $1,199, the hope is that it will appeal to a broad cross section of society: adventurers exploring underwater caves or alpine lakes; underwater treasure hunters; kids peeking into kelp forests to learn about marine ecosystems; activists monitoring plastic pollution or the effects of oil spills …


It might be small, but Trident packs a punch. Underneath its sleek, hydrodynamically tapered white plastic shell, Trident’s three powerful thrusters allow the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to take off at high speeds — it can zoom forward at up to two meters per second, shoot straight up, and dive to 100 meters. “This device is so powerful that it can actually jump out of the water like a dolphin or whale,” says Lang. Trident can also hover and change depth with precision at low speeds, allowing the diminutive ROV to shimmy into hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, while the overmolded rubber around the edge protects it from bumps. A battery pack allows Trident to stay submerged for about three hours.

Trident Bubble Gif

How to drive a remote-controlled submarine. The pilot controls Trident with a laptop, iPad or iPhone that sends wifi signals to a floating buoy, which in turn is tethered to the ROV and follows along wherever it roams. This sets the ROV free from the pilot, allowing long-range exploration. The tether also sends the live camera feed back to a dashboard window on the pilot’s device; plans are currently underway to enable the pilot to detach the tether altogether so that the ROV can go on autonomous, programmed missions.

The pilot is right there in the middle of the action. So too is anyone with an Internet connection. Lang’s team is now designing a cockpit interface that, like a video game, adds to the sense that you’re really underwater. You can even use Oculus Rift or other virtual reality devices to experience soaring through the water in a visceral way. As you explore, you can share what you see with the world in real time: Trident’s live feed can be streamed online, expanding the experience of exploration from the confines of a single diver, submarine or research vessel to anyone with Internet access.


Trident is different from yesterday’s underwater robots. Underwater ROVs developed for military and industrial purposes have been around for decades. But Trident is the first robust ROV to be manufactured for the general public, with Lang and his team taking advantage of the proliferation of cheap sensors and computing to create an affordable device — and democratizing access to underwater exploration in the process. It’s all part of the same underlying trend that’s driving the boom in microsatellites and aerial drones and why, Lang says, Trident is a small part of a much larger movement happening around citizen science and exploration. “All of a sudden, asking an interesting question no longer requires a research grant and university affiliation,” he says. “That has huge implications for the process of discovery.”

Trident can help answer important questions about what’s really going on in our oceans. We still only know very little about our oceans — only five percent of them have been explored. “Underwater exploration is still about raw discovery,” says Lang, who says that Trident is ready for such scientific tasks as making 3D maps of the sea floor, monitoring marine protected areas and observing invasive species. But Lang believes the most exciting applications are likely still yet to come, as people start experimenting. “I don’t think anybody expected that aerial drones would be so popular, but people soon moved beyond capturing aerial video footage to delivering food and medicine,conservation and so on,” says Lang. “Trident will transform how we interact with underwater environments and, we hope, turn a lot of people into citizen scientists.”


Images courtesy David Lang.

DL Financial Ltd issues Real Bank Guarantees, real and genuine SBLC’s and completes Real Funding without long stories!

Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, maybe its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd.

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
Skype: dl.financials.limited
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

ICBPO now Illegal & Banned

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ICBPO (Irrevovable Conditional Bank Pay Orders) are now banned and have been made illegal by most governments. BG and SBLC Issuers that continue to ask for ICBPOs as payment are completely out of touch by seeking a form of financial payment that has been made illegal in most countries. Any supplier that requests payment by ICBPO clearly doesnt understand the Bank Guarantee Industry and is an amateur not a professional. You cant be a credible financial supplier and request your customers pay you using illegal means eg ICBPO.


So why have most governments banned and made ICBPOs illegal?

Answer: When an ICBPO (Irrevovable Conditional Bank Pay Orders)  for 500 Millions Dollars is lodged with a Bank in Country A to “Irrevocably” pay a Bank in Country B. The National Balance of Payments Accounts in BOTH Countries is immediately effected!

Country A incurs a 500 Million Dollar Balance of Payments Debit (Deficit) and Country B receives a 500 Million Dollar a Balance of Payment Credit. This immediately affects BOTH countries National Debt Balance Sheets and can also have an affect on the countries exchange rate because of the sheer size of the transaction.

The the above action occurs immediately when the Bank Pay Order is written because the Bank Pay Order is “Irrevocable” meaning it cannot be cancelled.

The situation gets worse when Bank A issues the ICBPO for 500 Million but Bank B doesnt deliver the Bank Guarantee and defaults on the transaction…. This leaves Bank A unable to cancel their ICBPO or recover their 500 Million Dollar payment for a transaction that did not occur. AND Leaves Country A with a 500 Million Dollar Deficit when no goods or services were transacted!

Most Governments have now recognized the extreme risk and effect ICBPOs have on their economies and as a result they have banned them and made ICBPOs illegal for all parties except for very large specially licensed financial institutions that have been given direct government approval. Those institutions are few and far between and rarely operate in the Bank Guarantee Industry.

So ICBPOs are well and truely off the Bank Guarantee menu! Normal BG and SBLC Payment Guarantees of MT799 have replaced them.

DL Financial Ltd issues Real Bank Guarantees, real and genuine SBLC’s and completes Real Funding without long stories!

Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, maybe its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd.

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
Skype: dl.financials.limited
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

Jim Murrett Elected 2016 Appraisal Institute Vice President

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James L. Murrett, MAI, SRA, of Hamburg, New York, was elected 2016 vice president of the nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers Thursday by its Board of Directors in Dallas. Murrett’s one-year term at the Appraisal Institute will begin Jan. 1, followed by one year each as president-elect, president and immediate past president.

“I am very grateful for the opportunity to help take the organization and profession to the next level,” Murrett said. “I look forward to working with my fellow leaders and appraisers around the world.”

Murrett has served on the Appraisal Institute’s national Board of Directors (2011-14), Finance Committee (2012-present) and Strategic Planning Committee (2012-14) in addition to many chapter roles, including as president of the Upstate New York Chapter (2000). Since 2014 he also has been treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Center for Valuation Certification, an affiliate of the Appraisal Institute.

He is an approved Appraisal Institute instructor and a certified Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice instructor by the Appraisal Qualifications Board of The Appraisal Foundation.

Murrett has received the 2014 Appraisal Institute Edward W. Adams, SRA, Outstanding Board Service Award and the 2008 President’s Award, which is presented by the Upstate New York Chapter of the Appraisal Institute for ongoing commitment, dedication and service to the chapter and the profession.

Since 2013, Murrett has been executive managing director, Northeast, for Colliers International Valuation & Advisory Services in Buffalo, New York, where he is responsible for company appraiser quality enhancement and the oversight, recruiting and expansion of business development for multiple offices in the Northeast Region.

We are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, bank guarantees, sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
Skype: dl.financials.limited
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

T.I. and Pharrell highlight how male voters need to check themselves

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This week, two very different members of the hip-hop community offered commentary on the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton. One was drenched in sexism, battered in stupidity, and deep fried in fool. The other was seemingly more progressive, though when you really examine what was said, it’s not that much healthier. It’s sort of the equivalent of someone turning their nose up at you eating pork bacon as they wave a slab of sodium-heavy crispy turkey bacon in your face.

First up: T.I., who was quickly and rightly roasted for his sexist criticism of the Democratic presidential primary frontrunner. In an interview on DJ Whoo Kid’s The Whoolywood Shuffle, the rapper said, “not to be sexist, but…” before offering a very sexist reason why he can’t support a woman for president.

T.I. claimed: “It’s kind of like, I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally, and they make very permanent, cemented decisions—and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen… and I sure would hate to just set off a nuke. [Leaders of other nations] will not be able to negotiate the right kinds of foreign policy.”


The other male hip-hop celebrity to opine on Hillary Clinton this week was Pharrell, who actually endorsed the former Secretary of Stateduring his appearance on Ellen. Pharrell claimed that when it comes to the most powerful position on the planet, “It’s time for a woman to be in there.”

He went on to say, “Women think about things in a holistic way[…] We need someone who is going to take it seriously. She does have a serious tone, but I feel like when things get done, it’s by someone who is being serious about it.”

This was basically an extra lap around the same point, but whatever. His “New Black” ideology aside, Pharrell is likable. However, he has a habit of using language reminiscent of an artisanal tea packet. And softer language does not negate an underlying stereotypical sentiment.

Pharrell’s endorsement was well-intentioned, but there’s something off-putting about the producer-singer’s claim that “women think about things in a holistic way.” Sure, Pharrell thinks of women in a far better way than T.I. does, but he is just as guilty of making a sweeping generalization and placing women in a box. I imagine he didn’t mean to sound patronizing, but the impact outweighs the intent.

We have Hillary Clinton, but there’s also Carly Fiorina—a woman, but certainly not the same kind of woman that Hillary Clinton is. Completely different outlooks and agendas. Similarly, no one paying attention would ever say politicians Senator Elizabeth Warren and Governor Nikki Haley are of the same ilk.

T.I. and Pharrell’s pro and con arguments won’t make or break Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the presidency, but each represent a problem, and male voters need to check themselves.

A woman is just as capable of running an executive position as a man is. A woman is no more and no less emotional in her thought than a man is. Men are incredibly emotional—just turn on the angry, overly aggressive tone permeating much of male-dominated rap music.

We needn’t romanticize a woman’s thinking, either. If you want to support Hillary Clinton for president because you find her to be a serious person and a serious person needs to be commander-in-chief, just say that. No need to make proclamations about some quality women allegedly universally possess.

When it comes to Hillary Clinton—and any woman in politics, for that matter—judge her based on what she’s actually arguing for in terms of policy, and spare us your projections. Women deserve better than that. So does the process.

We are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, bank guarantees, sblc, dlc and letters of credit.
Skype: dl.financials.limited
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.


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You can now get your preferred verbiage of a SWIFT MT799 and SWIFT MT 760 delivered directly to your own bank. Payment of the leasing fee only 7 days after receipt of SWIFT MT760, hard copy and verification by your receiving bank.

All instruments are in compliance with the rules, regulations and practices as set forth by the International Chamber Of Commerce (ICC), Paris, France, publication 500, latest revision.

Receive a genuine Bank Instrument, issued by a major World Bank!

Bank Instrument Format. Bank Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit, emitted with “clean” verbiage, cash backed. The verbiage of the bank instrument is in line with standard ICC formats, banking protocols and financial standards. Your client’s preferred and suggested text can be considered. 

Emission of Bank Instrument. The instrument is issued via SWIFT MT760. If a Pre-Advice is required, it is sent via SWIFT MT 799 with SWIFT MT 760 to follow. Hard copy delivery via bank-to-bank bonded courier within 7 days of SWIFT MT760 delivery, receipt and verification at the receiving bank.

The Leasing Fee. Leasing fees for the first year and any broker commission is paid only after the delivery and verification of the instrument to the receiving bank.

Leasing transaction of less than USD 250 million.

There are options for you to start your leasing transaction of less than USD 250 million. Your bank is informed about your transaction and confirms the reservation of the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees in your account, or your bank is not aware of your plans to lease a bank instrument for credit enhancement.

The following SWIFT fee will have to be placed directly with the provider and paid into an account as nominated by the provider after executed contracts and before the SWIFT MT799/760 is sent to your receiving bank.

Face Value of Transaction SWIFT and bank arrangement fees*
USD/EURO 10M TO 49M USD/EURO 50,000.00
USD/EURO 50M TO 99M USD/EURO 70,000.00
USD/EURO 100M TO 199M USD/EURO 100,000.00
USD/EURO 200M TO 499M USD/EURO 200,000.00

If your funding bank is aware of your leasing transaction
In that event, we require:
(1) your RWA letter and duly filled in Application
(2) a colour copy of your passport
(3) a copy of your certificate of incorporation
(4.0) a Bank Confirmation Letter along these lines, addressed to yourself:

Dear Mr. or Mrs XXX,

As instructed by yourself, we have blocked a sum of USD/EUR XXXXX (SWIFT and bank arrangement fees) in your account with us for the next 10 banking days.

These funds are reserved and will be sent to the provider of the bank guarantee instrument against an invoice and a corporate refund undertaking. We understand that this sum is required to cover your providers SWIFT and bank arrangement fees to issue and send a bank guarantee instrument via SWIFT MR799/MT760 to your benefit to our bank.

We further confirm, upon receipt of the bank guarantee instrument issued by a top international bank, we are ready to fund your project / business / investment / transaction up to a total sum of USD/ EUR  XXXX.

Signed by Bank Officer in charge of your account.”

Contracts will be issued upon receipt of the Application.

If your funding bank is not aware of your leasing transaction

In case the required bank confirmation is not provided, we will process your application on the following basis only. We require:
(1) your RWA letter and duly filled in Application
(2) a colour copy of your passport
(3) a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation
(4.1) Your cash payment of the Processing Fees in the amount of USD/EUR 5,000.00 to the account of The Research and Sourcing Limited to cover expenses which occur in processing your transaction. Upon receipt of your complete application, you will receive an invoice accordingly. Contracts will be issued upon receipt of the Processing Fees. The Processing Fees will be credited towards your commission payment once you followed through with your obligations in your transaction.

RWA letter and duly filled in Application (A)

If your funding bank is aware of your leasing transaction

RWA Confirmation to lease a Bank Instrument in the amount of USD/EUR XXX

Dear Sir,

I have made note of the procedures to obtain a leased bank instrument for enhancement.

My bank has blocked the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees in the amount of USD/EUR XXXX already and confirmed funding against the receipt of a bank guarantee instrument. The approved verbiage of the Bank Guarantee/SBLC and the bank confirmation is attached. (OR WRITE: ) I will use your suggested verbiage.

This is to confirm that I am aware and in agreement to place the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees directly with the provider, after executed contracts and I received the Lessor’s signed and sealed corporate refund undertaking and before the instrument is sent via SWIFT MT799/760. I will comply with these terms and transfer the funds accordingly, directly as instructed by the provider within 3 banking days of receipt of the provider’s invoice and Refund Undertaking, into the provider’s nominated bank account.

I am ready, willing and able to start the process of leasing a bank instrument from you immediately.

Sincerely yours,



duly filled in Application
colour copy of my passport
copy of Certificate of Incorporation
Bank Confirmation Letter addressed to myself
Desired Bank Guarantee/SBLC verbiage”


RWA letter and duly filled in Application (B)

If your funding bank is not aware of your leasing transaction

“RWA Confirmation to lease a Bank Instrument in the amount of USD/EUR XXXX

Dear Sir,

I have made note of the procedures to obtain a leased bank instrument for enhancement.

My bank has not yet confirmed funding against the receipt of a bank guarantee instrument or blocked cash funds in the amount of USD/EUR XXXX to cover the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees. The approved verbiage of the Bank Guarantee/SBLC is attached. (OR WRITE: ) I will use your suggested verbiage.

Any further questions on the emission of BG/SBLC of USD/EUR 10M to USD/EUR 250M? 

Contact Us today for all your funding needs, including Loans, Project Finance, Bank Guarantee, SBLC, Letters of credit, DLC. 
Skype: dl.financials.limited
EMAIL:  info@dlflimited.net OR  credit.finance2012@gmail.com
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative in your country, EMAIL us  for more information.

The Best Ways to Raise Capital

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The best ways to raise capital are based on common sense and experience. But don’t make the biggest mistake that everyone makes on social media sites, such as LinkedIn, for example.

1. Don’t start at the top. Venture capital or institutional investing is geared at existing companies. Once you have proven to have the right management, a great product or service, an existing business model with existing sales, the ability to find seed funding, and you experience explosive growth, the time will be ripe for VC’s to step in. Not before that, don’t try ways to raise capital that you are not ready for. Even companies like Google or Microsoft started out small.

2. Do use ways to raise capital that work for you and your situation. In every single case though, start with building relationships. That’s even a requirement from the SEC. You can not market your business plan/investment proposal to the general public. You need to have a pre-existing relationship with an investor before you can talk about a specific investment.

3. One of the best ways to raise capital is by invitation. Connect with investors by personal introduction. These introductions may come from angel investor groups, business plan competitions, privately organized investor pitch presentations, introductions from personal relations (bankers, attorneys, accountants, etc).

4. Once you face an investor or a group of investors, talk only briefly about your product or service. The best ways to raise capital from them is to find out what they want, that’s why you need to build relationships first. Find out which sector they want to invest in, how they invest, what they expect from entrepreneurs. Get to know them first. Find their hot buttons.

5. When you have some interest, learn how to proceed during the negotiations, and how to close the deal. It is one thing to make a great presentation, yet another to keep the attention going, and have them chase you to wire money in your account or write you a check.

6. Be prepared. In any situation, there are opportunities for successful ways to raise capital. Have your pitch ready. The proverbial elevator pitch is great, but find ways to summarize what you have in 1 minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes. Find the right tools for each and every situation. It may be a business card, an email signature, an executive summary, a power point presentation, or a video. Or whatever else you can find to deliver your message consistently, logically and interestingly.

7. Start talking. A big rule in your arsenal of tools of ways to raise capital, is to use your tools.  Don’t wait for them to ask you. Bring it on!

8. Create your own support group. Remember, this is important, you can not do this alone. Find people who believe in you and your cause. Ask them for information, contacts, introductions, knowledge and wisdom.

9. Finally, back to number one, don’t start at the top. Do the footwork, get all your paperwork lined up. Prove that your business model works. Get started with your business, if at all possible, that will create an enormous amount of goodwill. Talk with the people closest around you. Create that support team. Line up the tools that you may need to use all the ways to raise capital.

Success will follow.

Contact Us today for all your funding needs, including Loans, Project Finance, Bank Guarantee, SBLC, Letters of credit, DLC.
Skype: dl.financials.limited
EMAIL:  info@dlflimited.net OR  credit.finance2012@gmail.com
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative in your country, EMAIL us  for more information.

We provide BG/SBLC, DLC and performance or payment guarantees for your import and export activities.

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We provide BG/SBLC, DLC and performance or payment guarantees for your import and export activities. The amounts range from USD/EUR 500,000 to USD/EUR 10 Billion. For issuing these instruments, we do not ask you for a collateral, an escrow deposit, or any such money that may affect your cash flow.

Issuing fees for LC, BG or SBLC for trade finance purposes are provided upon request because fees depend upon the amount, duration and banking costs.

Our procedures for issuing trade finance instruments are as follows:


1. Client completes application form (provided on request)

2. WE send the first draft of the LC, BG or SBLC, payment or performance guarantee

3. Client reviews the draft in consultation with the beneficiary (i.e. receiver or seller)

4. Client requests changes or modifications (if any).

5. Client receives revised draft and repeats step 3

6. Client provides us with the following:


• Signed and approved copy of the final draft for issuance

• Client Information Sheet (CIS)

• Passport copy of the authorized signatory of client’s company

• Agreement signed by the authorized signatory


7. Provider receives required issuance fees against a commercial invoice

8. Instrument is issued to the receiving bank per wording as approved by the client

9. Client receives swift copy of the issued instrument.


Should you have the need for trade finance instruments without stressing your cash flow, bank facility or even when your bank becomes uncooperative, let us know and we will start the process immediately.

Any questions? Please send an email. I need you to have total clarity!