Joint Venture Funding – How to Present Your Project to Get Funded

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DL Financial Ltd Welcomes you to the last quarter of 2015, the defacto year of Joint Venture (JV) financing. Institutional financing is not available so developers are looking outside the box to fund their projects. The most common form of favorable financing is JV. This financing comes in more shapes, sizes, and terms than colors of the rainbow. There are, however, a few common things that all JV funders look for, regardless of the project, location or dollar amount. The purpose of this article is to share with you what these common denominators are and how you should present your project to get the most favorable terms.

Let’s look at this from your potential funder’s perspective. What does he want? The answer is simple, but arriving at achieving his goals involves a tremendous amount of scrutiny and due diligence on you, the developer. Quite simply, the JV funder wants a return on his investment. You must speak his language. What he wants is a pro forma that shows what his internal rate of return (IRR) is at two and five years. If you cannot prepare one of these, find someone who can. This document or spreadsheet shows vision and the common goal of making money.

Everything else is secondary, but also very important. You need to prepare a package that consists of the following items:

  1. an executive summary of the project that is no more than 5 pages (no funder will read a 120 page business plan before reading an executive summary)
  2. the proforma
  3. bios and resumes of all of the key players, including your contractors
  4. the entire business plan
  5. an appraisal if you have one

Logically, the funder has the money. You have to prove that you have the brains, muscle and integrity to be a great and cooperative partner. Your opportunity is not the only one on his desk, but it will certainly be the most presentable. Sloppy presentations make for sloppy projects.Finally, the worst thing you can do is put pressure on the funder to act or fund immediately. Desperation only indicates weakness and poor planning.

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1 Million Dollars and Over

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Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, maybe its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd.

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

The Biggest Risks of Investing in Berkshire Hathaway Stock

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Warren Buffett has built Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (NYSE: BRK.B) into one of the most recognizable companies in the world. Despite Berkshire’s phenomenal success, the company has risks for investors. These risks include who will run the company after Buffett is no longer at the helm, credit downgrade risk and the company being defined by government regulators as systemically important.

The Success of Berkshire

As of September 2015, Buffett has successfully built Berkshire into a market behemoth with a market cap of $326 billion. The large conglomerate is involved in a wide variety of businesses. The main core of the Berkshire empire is insurance. The company has lines in property, casualty and reinsurance. From this insurance base, Buffett has built Berkshire over the years with small and large acquisitions. The company has interests in everything from railroads to energy, cowboy boots and furniture.

Berkshire is still growing. Net revenues grew from $182 billion in 2013 to $194 billion in 2014, an increase of around 6.5%. Further acquisitions grow this revenue even more. Even though Berkshire is already large, it still has room to grow even larger.

Those who were brave enough to risk investing in Berkshire early on have profited handsomely. Berkshire Class A shares trade for around $192,000 a share, the highest-priced stock in the U.S. market. Buffett is not a believer in stock splits, saying he never split the stock because he does not want short-term speculators to try and profit on the stock. If the stock were cheaper, those speculators could jump in and out of positions. Still, smaller investors can afford the Class B shares that trade at around $129 a share.

Succession Plan for Berkshire

One of the main risks to Berkshire is the succession plan after Buffett is no longer with the company. Buffett is still going strong at 84, with 50 years at the helm of Berkshire. Still, he and his lieutenant Charlie Munger will not be around forever. To that extent, Buffett and Munger have discussed the succession plan in their famed letters to shareholders. Buffett plans to split the CEO position from the management of the large Berkshire portfolio.

The main question for investors is who might be the new CEO. Munger’s 2015 letter indicated Greg Abel and Ajit Jain are both world-class CEO material. Abel runs Berkshire’s utility and energy operations. Jain is the head of Berkshire’s vast insurance divisions. Jain is known as an underwriting genius who has earned the insurance operations billions over the years. Abel is younger and may be more used to being in the limelight. As such, he is more likely to take over.

Buffett has brought on two portfolio managers to help him with the company’s stock holdings, valued at around $109 billion. Ted Weschler and Todd Combs share responsibility for Berkshire’s vast portfolio. Weschler met Buffett by winning a charity auction for lunch with the Oracle of Omaha for $5 million. He previously ran the hedge fund Peninsula Capital Advisors. Buffett and Weschler became close after a few years. Buffett eventually extended an offer for Weschler to join Berkshire. Combs was also previously a hedge fund manager and joined Berkshire in 2010. Weschler and Combs have changed Buffett’s perspective to an extent. Buffett never invested in technology stocks until buying IBM shares in 2011, spending around $10 billion.

Berkshire is clearly considering the succession issue, which should allay some fears of investors. The larger question is whether the portfolio managers and the CEO will be able to match Buffett’s performance. Buffett is undoubtedly a business genius on many different levels. The “Buffett premium” is a concept stating Buffett’s reputation and business acumen add value to Berkshire and the companies in which it invests. Only time will tell what happens with the Berkshire empire after Buffett and Munger are no longer there.

Credit Downgrade Risk

A more pressing issue is further credit downgrade risks to Berkshire’s debt. As of August 2015, S&P, the major credit rating agency, indicated it was placing Berkshire on the Credit Negative Watch list due to uncertainty about its acquisition of Precision Castparts Corp. Berkshire holds an AA investment-grade credit rating. The deal for Precisions Castparts, an aerospace and energy product manufacturer, is valued at $37 billion. Precision Castparts had net revenues of $10 billion in 2014.

S&P stated it has questions about how the transaction will be funded and how it will impact cash resources and leverage metrics at Berkshire. The agency has twice previously downgraded Berkshire. It downgraded the company in 2010 when Berkshire bought BNSF Railway, and then again in 2013, as it changed its standards for evaluating insurance companies. Still, Buffett is a conservative investor. As of 2015, the company has $66 billion in cash reserves. Although the Precision Castparts acquisition is large, it seems as if Berkshire has the resources to pull off the transaction.

Systemically Important Designation

Another risk is whether Berkshire will be defined by government regulators as systemically important. The Bank of England asked U.S. regulators why Berkshire was not on this list in 2015. This designation requires companies to submit to oversight by the Federal Reserve. It comes along with enhanced capital restrictions and liquidity requirements. These burdensome requirements could make future growth and profitability more difficult, and could hurt the company’s prospects.

Buffett has argued that Berkshire should not be slapped with this designation. He has indicated he is committed to keeping a $20 billion cash cushion at Berkshire. Another significant factor is Berkshire was able to stay strong during the 2008 financial crisis. The company provided short-term help and liquidity to other companies, including Goldman Sachs, General Electric and Harley Davidson, during the crisis. Thus, history has proven Berkshire’s ability to weather financial storms.

However, the government has placed the systemically important designation on other large insurance companies including AIG, Prudential and MetLife. Berkshire is undoubtedly one of the largest insurance companies in the world and has exposure to large catastrophic events. The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina cost Berkshire billions.

Berkshire is different from these other companies that operate mainly in the insurance sector. It is much more widely diversified in its businesses. The official standard is the company must have 85% or more of its consolidated assets coming from financial activities. Many of Berkshire’s recent acquisitions have come from outside of the financial realm. Thus, it is questionable whether Berkshire meets this requirement. Still, the threat of this designation is very real as it could hurt Berkshire’s future share price and ability to grow.

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China’s government is standing by while investors lose their life savings

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Inline image 1

Around 220,000 investors in China stand to lose billions of dollars following the mysterious suspension six months ago of all trading at the Fanya Metal Exchange, a trading platform-turned-asset manager.

One of them is Zhou, a 30-year-old urban planner from Hangzhou, in the southeastern Zhejiang province. She and her husband, Chen, invested 90% of her family’s savings, or about 2 million yuan, in Fanya. Their account has been frozen since Fanya said in April it had run into liquidity problems. To add insult to injury, their income, which totaled around 40,000 yuan ($6,327) a month, has halved because China’s property market is cooling. The couple has decided to put their home on the market and move in with her in-laws to make ends meet.

Equally distressing for Zhou and other investors who Quartz interviewed for this story is the near total absence of any official action. The police have not arrested anyone, and the national institutions that are supposed to protect investors have been silent.

In fact, in extensive conversations with eight of these investors among dozens we contacted, a deeply troubling picture emerges of the limits of China’s government’s push to cultivate its emerging middle class. How, as it encourages its citizens to speculate and consume more, will the state ensure they’re fairly treated and fulfill its self-anointed role of protector?

Fanya, after all, was no risky fringe investment. It had attracted around $6 billion from mostly retail investors and was affiliated with some of China’s biggest government institutions, including ICBC, its largest bank. Government employees actively sold Fanya’s products. State television regularly featured Fanya on its business news broadcasts, and prominent Chinese economists promoted it. For investors like Zhou, all the evidence suggested Fanya had the tacit, if not outright, approval of their government.

In the recent stock market crash, the “national team,” or state-backed companies, spent billions to keep the market afloat, Zhou said, but it hasn’t touched Fanya. “Why didn’t the government save us ordinary people?” she asked.

Moreover, Fanya’s chairman, Shan Jiuliang, a well-connected and seasoned commodities futures trader, has left a trail of similarly suspect business ventures behind him. It has many Fanya investors calling foul.

Government links and zero risk

Shan, a 51-year-old businessman from North China Shanxi province, founded Fanya Metal Exchange in 2011 and over the next four years, grew it into the world’s largest rare metals trading exchange. Its flagship product “Ri Jin Bao,” was linked to indium, bismuth, and other rare metals used in electronics. According to its publicity materials, it promised annualized returns as high as 13.7%—much higher than bank savings rates—and the right to withdraw funds at any time. It also promised “zero risk.”

Twelve banks, including ICBC, Bank of China, and other big state-owned banks, are listed as partners on brochures and on Fanya’s 2013 company webpage. The brochures also claim the banks will serve as “third-party custodians.”

One brochure is cosigned with the logo of Fanya and ICBC:

Zhou, who like others Quartz spoke to, agreed to be quoted on condition we only use their last name for fear of government retribution, began investing in Fanya last October on the recommendation of a friend. She was already familiar with the name from ads and state TV news stories. A document issued by the government in Kunming, where Fanya is based, authorizing the establishment of the exchange, convinced her Ri Jin Bao was safe.

 “In China, if you don’t believe the government, who else can you believe?” “In China, if you don’t believe the government, who else can you believe?,” Zhou explained.

She initially invested 10,000 yuan (around $1,500). Pleased with the result, she put up about 20 times more—including her parents’ savings, and loans backed by her house.

While others’ experience differs in detail, their stories mirror Zhou’s. Wang Xiaobo, 32, from the northwestern Shaanxi province, works at a construction site in Beijing. He told Quartz he invested 520,000 yuan (around $80,000) in Fanya. Much of that money belonged to his family and other relatives. He personally earns just 3,000 to 4,000 yuan ($470 to $627) each month.

Li, a 38-year-old farmer from Kunming, invested all of her 70-year-old mother’s savings, some 60,000 yuan (around $9,400).

“My mother trusted me as a daughter” to manage her finances, Li said. “Now I can’t face her.”

How China’s big banks played a part

Several investors told Quartz the state-run banks weren’t just listed on marketing materials, but went even further, aggressively selling them the Ri Jin Bao product, which pays investors interest for lending end users of rare metals the money to buy them.

Wang Ye, 46, who runs a small business in Xinjiang’s capital of Urumqi, told Quartz that she signed a contract to invest in Ri Jin Bao with a local branch of ICBC.

Wang said that a bank clerk told her “we have a financial product,” leading her to think it was affiliated with ICBC. When signing the contract, Wang said, the bank clerk only “let me have a glance at it” on their computer, as the contract is entirely electronic.

It wasn’t until she couldn’t get her money out in June that she learned the financial product was not run by the bank.

“We don’t even know the account and password of our [Fanya] account,” Wang said. “The banks did everything for us. 

Wang wouldn’t say how much money she had invested in Fanya. She said she hadn’t even told her husband how much. “I already had anxiety disorder,” she said. “All the burdens are on me.”

Chen Feifei, a 36-year-old eatery owner in Kunming, was told by a clerk at her local branch of the state-owned China Merchants Bank, “You have no risks. It has fixed interest.” She invested 60,000 yuan in Ri Jin Bao. She thought it was run by the bank.

A China Merchants Bank spokeswoman told Quartz that interview requests were being referred to “upper levels” and the bank had no further comment. A spokesman with ICBC told Quartz that the bank had no comment on the Fanya situation.

Fanya’s claims in brochures that the banks were serving as third-party custodians appear to be wrong. The company’s webpage says instead that it conducts “bank transfer business” with these partners, which seems more likely.

There is a crucial difference between the two: Bank transfer business means investors transfer their money to a third party through participating banks, while third party custody means investors’ money is held by the banks. Fanya only ever transferred money through its partner banks, Chinese media reports. They never actually served as custodians.

A wealth manager at a Shanghai branch of one of those banks, who talked to Quartz, on the condition of anonymity, said one of her colleagues, who allegedly recommended Fanya to clients as the bank’s own financial product, had been suspended and was being investigated by the local banking regulator.

She said she couldn’t understand why a bank employee would recommend a Fanya product to customers, because the bank wouldn’t pay commission on it, unless Fanya was paying bank wealth managers a separate commission. Multiple calls and emails to Fanya asking about the situation have not been returned.

History repeats itself

Zhou and the other investors are convinced they’ve been victims of fraud and are urging authorities to investigate. They’ve taken the rare, and personally dangerous step of protesting publicly, most recently in front of China’s market regulator in Beijing in late September.

On Sept. 25, the Kunming government where Fanya is based spoke out for the first time. It said it has asked company heads to “rectify” the situation, and that it is looking into investors’ cases—five months after their money was frozen.

Ominously, for Fanya’s investors, this does not appear to be the first time that Fanya chairman Shan has left investors high and dry.

According to a company registration website administered by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), Shan is also the legal representative of a Shanghai-based coal exchange called Kaoer. Shan, along with his investment group that invests in Fanya, hold shares in Kaoer.

The coal exchange was set up in 2006, but is no longer operating, the SAIC website says. The story of its demise will sound very familiar to Fanya investors. Shanghai Kaoer Coal Exchange ran into “liquidity problems” in 2010, a Xinhua-owned business magazine reports. A company head was sentenced to a four-year jail term for illegal fund-raising, in a trading model just like Fanya’s.

In fact, Shan appears to have copied Fanya’s model around the country since 2013—Shan’s Shengfu Fanya Group also runs a coal exchange in southeastern Jiangxi province and a rare earth exchange in southern Xiamen city. With local government’s authorization, Shang also founded a Shenzhen-based online P2P fundraising platform for rare metal trade in January 2015.

The P2P platform, called Fanrong, appears to be yet another version of Fanya. It features a financial product named Fan Rong Bao, which guarantees an annualized return of 13% and a right to withdraw fund at any time. Fanrong claims it has raised investments of over 12.4 billion yuan (around $2 billion), after starting at the end of May.

Fanya’s investors are pinning their hope on President Xi Jinping.

Wang Ye, the Xinjiang investor, said she thinks the reason the government has not yet intervened is that low ranking officials are not passing along all the facts, and is hoping Xi will come through.

“Maybe Xi Dada still doesn’t know about our real situation,” she said.

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Condition of Scottish Nurse Suffering From Ebola Relapse Deteriorates

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“She is now critically ill”

Scottish nurse Pauline Cafferkey, recently readmitted to a London hospital because of “late” complications following her recovery from Ebola, has taken a turn for the worse, the hospital said Wednesday.

“We are sad to announce that Pauline Cafferkey’s condition has deteriorated and she is now critically ill,” read a statement from London’s Royal Free Hospital, where the 39-year-old has been in the high-level isolation unit for nearly a week.

Cafferkey was transferred to Royal Free last Friday after going into a National Health Service clinic in Glasgow for an illness. She had previously recovered from an Ebola infection she caught while treating patients in Sierra Leone — one of the three West African countries where an outbreak last year claimed over 11,000 lives.

It has been deemed possible for the Ebola virus to remain inside the body long after one has stopped displaying symptoms, and Cafferkey’s family members criticized her treatment by doctors when she went in for a checkup last Tuesday but was told she could go home.

“At that point, me and my family believe they missed a big opportunity to give the right diagnosis and we feel she was let down,” her sister Toni said in an interview with the Sunday Mail newspaper. “I think it is absolutely diabolical the way she has been treated.”

We are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, bank guarantees, sblc, dlc and letters of credit.
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

Advice on Breaking Bad News to Clients

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One of the toughest parts of anyone’s job is being the bearer of bad news. We don’t live in a perfect world and not every business transaction turns out the way we expect it to. In my business, there are about 300 ways a transaction can go wrong and about 50 of them we either have no control over or have no visibility of. This is particularly true in complex transactions where there are many dynamics involved in reaching the finish line.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the path to the finish line, you may encounter and obstacle a delay or even a deal killer. So, the billion dollar question is: how do you most effectively and professionally break this news to the client while still maintaining the highest degree of professionalism while preserving your reputation? The answer is to effectively manage your client’s expectations from the very beginning. You can do this by giving them a few company mantras they can always count on, no matter what happens.

In my company, it is our policy to tell the client from the very beginning, “Mr. Client, we like your project and would only accept it if we thought we had a very high probability of funding your project. I can’t promise you that it will happen. But, what I can promise you is this: we will always tell you the truth, the good truth or the bad truth….just don’t shoot the messenger!” We then pause, and can almost hear a sigh of relief. In the past they’ve likely had an experience where they were in the dark for a long period of time, only to find out their project was denied.

You see, this is what everyone wants. They just want the truth in real time, and they want you to have the courage to deliver it. We further explain that if there is a problem, we want to get them involved immediately, because they may have some insight into solving the problem. This seals the bond in the relationship between you and your client. Another thing to tell them up front is that if you have no news to share, you won’t contact them. And, not to misconstrue this as negligence, it’s just the most effective way for you to run your business.

Again, it goes back to managing expectations in the beginning. If there is a delay, tell them immediately. And always go back to your mantra when you have to break some bad news: “Mr. Client, I promised to always tell you the good truth and the bad truth as soon as I get it. Today, I have a bad truth to share with you and I need your help in getting this issue resolved.” Try it and you’ll be surprised. As always, honesty-timely honesty- is always the best policy

We are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, bank guarantees, sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

Identity Verification Startup Veridu Raises £800,000 Seed

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Playing in the identity space, London-based Veridu is attempting to solve a problem as old as the Internet itself but also one that is increasing with the advent of the so-called sharing economy and peer-to-peer marketplaces. That is, how to ensure that an individual online is who they say they are. It does this by offering a service to businesses that enables them to verify identity online using various data points, including a user’s ‘social footprint’.

To aid that mission, Veridu is announcing that it’s closed an £800,000 seed round from various institutional and private investors. These include Force Over Mass Capital, which is a relatively new fund
focusing on the U.K. technology sector, Knightsbridge Executive Services, and Belgian Callataÿ & Wouters Ventures. In addition, Phil McGriskin and Paul Townsend, founders of Envoy (sold to WorldPay), also participated.

“We bring trust to the internet,” Veridu co-founder and CEO Rasmus Groth tells TechCrunch. “We help companies across a wide range of industries, from payments providers through to the sharing economy, improve user experience by removing friction in transactions with reliable, off-the-shelf identity, insight and trust solutions based on digital signals. Our customers can benefit from an increase in transactions and a deeper understanding of their users leading to enhanced business growth.”

Describing the startup’s customers as “payments solutions trying to avoid declining good people, P2P services wanting to increase trust and keep their users safe,” Groth cites competitors as Socure, and Trustev. (Though I’d add Mii Card, which uses your online bank account as it main identity point, to the mix).

“We are building an Identity operating system with focus on complete transparency,” he adds. “We are on the users side providing valuable service to merchants, not another way to violate peoples privacy. We intend to see the vision of providing a bottom up based global id through and we can only do that if we remain faithful to the user.”

Meanwhile, the new capital will be used by Veridu to further scale its business — including hiring data scientists and statisticians — and provide a bridge to a planned Series A round. It generates revenue via tiered subscriptions or by charging per attribute verified e.g. age.

We are the largest and most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, bank guarantees, sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

We Are The Largest Providers of Bank Guarantees, SBLC, DLC & Letters of credit In The World

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Are you in need of loan or project finance for your companies, businesses and organizations? We are the Largest Providers of Bank Guarantees, SBLC, DLC & Letters of credit to individuals, SME’S, companies, businesses.  Our bank instruments are issued by prime banks such as HSBC London or Hong Kong, Barclays Bank London, Citibank New York, Standard Chartered bank or any top AAA rated bank of your choice. We provide both secured loans and unsecured loans and our interest rate is 3% per year.
Over the last two decades our associates, who are leading international project financiers in the leisure and tourist industry, have placed over two billion US dollars ($2,000,000,000.00) of development capital in the form of equity and loans into an extremely wide variety of projects including amusement parks, eco and green projects, golf courses, hotels and hotel resorts, manufacturing, residential housing, sports stadia, theme parks, tourism and tourist projects, transport, including rail, road and shipping, water parks and many other types of project in almost 60 countries worldwide.
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NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative in your country, EMAIL us  for more information.


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This brief account aims at helping you find out about some of the obscure, or unclear, aspects relating to the Private Placement Opportunity Programs (PPOP), also known as Private Placement Programs (PPP), or under other acronyms like Private Placement Investment Programs (PPIP), etc. There are lots of people who know something, but cannot grasp the whole picture.

The following account is based on our personal experience of several years in this business. To explain the involved matter, we will study it mostly from an investor’s standpoint and a broker’s standpoint.


Before speaking of Private Placement Opportunities (as aforementioned PPO), we need to realize some basic reasons for the existence of this business. It means that there is a need to learn some basic concepts about what money really is and about how money is created and how the demand for money/credit can be controlled, and that someone can issue a debt note which can be discounted and sold then resold in an arbitrage transaction (the basic system for running most of these programs), etc.

The Basic Reasons

To fully understand what it’s all about, there are some basic principles that you must understand:

Money Creation

The first reason why this business exists is to create money. More money is created by creating debt. You as an individual can lend out USD100 to a friend and you can make an agreement where the interest for that is 10%, so that he must pay you back USD110. What you have done is to actually create USD10, even though you don’t see that money. Don’t consider the legal aspects of such an agreement, just the facts. Now, the Banks are doing this every day, but with much more money. Banks have the power to create money out of nothing. Since PPO involves trading with discounted bank issued debt instruments, money is created due to the fact that such instruments are deferred payment obligations (debts). Money is created out from debt. Theoretically, any person/company/organization can issue debt notes (don’t look at the legal aspects of it). Dept notes are deferred payment liabilities.

Example: A lawful person (individual/company/organization) is in need of USD100, so he writes a debt note for USD120 that matures after 1 year, which he then sells for USD100 (this is called “discounting”). Theoretically, the issuer is able to issue as many such debt notes at whatever face value he wants – as long as there are those that believe that he’s financially strong enough to honor them upon maturity, and thereby is interested in buying such debt notes. Dept notes like Medium Terms Notes (MTN), Bank Guarantees (BG), Stand-By Letters of Credit (SBLC), etc. are issued at discounted prices by some of the major world banks in a very large amount of Billions USD every day.

Generally speaking they do “create” such notes (debt notes) “out of thin air”, so to speak. That is, they only have to write the documents. It’s as easy as if you, as an individual, write a debt note. Now, the core problem: to issue such a debt note is very simple, but the issuer would have problems in finding a buyer, unless the buyer “believes” that the issuer is financially strong enough to honor that debt note upon maturity. Any bank can issue such a debt note, sell it at discount and promise to pay back the full face value at the time the debt note matures. But would that issuing bank be able to find any buyer for such a debt note without being financially strong enough?

An example: If you had USD1 Million, and had the opportunity to buy a debt note with the face value of USD1 Million issued by one of the largest banks in Western Europe for let’s say USD-800,000 a debt note that matures in 1 year, wouldn’t you then consider buying it if you had the chance to verify it? Now, if a Mr. Smith approaches you on the street and asks you if you want to buy an identical debt note issued by an unknown bank, would you consider that offer?  As you see, it’s a matter of trust and credibility only. And now, maybe, you will also understand why there’s so much fraud, and so many bogus instruments in this business.

Large Debts Instruments Market

As a consequence of the previous statements, there is an enormous daily market of discounted bank instruments like MTN, BG, SBLC, Bonds, PN, etc. involving issuing banks and long chains of exit- buyers (Pension Funds, large financial Institutions, etc.) in an exclusive Private Placement arena.

All such activities on the bank side are done as “off-balance sheet activities” and as such, the bank can benefit in many ways. Off-Balance Sheet Activities are contingent assets and liabilities, and as such the value depends upon the outcome upon which the claim is based, similar to that of an option.

Off-Balance Sheet Activities appear on the balance sheet ONLY as memorandum items, and it’s first when they cause a cash flow that they will appear as a credit or debit in the balance sheet. The bank does not have to consider binding capital constraints, as there’s no deposit liability.

Normal Trading – Private Placement

All programs in the Private Placement arena involve trade with such discounted debt notes in one way or another. And to bypass the legal restrictions, this can only be done on a private level. This is the reason why this type of trading is so different from the “normal” trading, which is highly regulated. In other words, this business can be done and restricted on a private level only (the private Placement level) that falls down in a special regulation without the usual strict restrictions present on the securities market.

The normal trading known by the public is the “open market” (as the “spot market”), where discounted instruments are bought and sold with bids and offers like an auction. To participate here the traders must be in full control of the funds; otherwise, they cannot buy the instrument and sell them on. And there are no arbitrage buy-sell transactions on this market, because all participants can see the instruments and their price.

However, besides this “open market”, there’s a “closed, private market” where a restricted number of “master commitment holders” is the inner circle. These master commitment holders are Trust with huge amounts of money that enter contractual agreements with banks to buy a certain number of new issue (fresh-cut) instruments at a specific price during a specific period of time. Their job is to sell these instruments on, so they contract sub-commitment holders, who contract exit-buyers.

These “programs” are all based on arbitrage buy-sell transactions with pre-defined prices, and as such, the traders never need to be in control of the investor’s funds. However, no program can start, unless there’s enough money behind each buy-sell transaction. And it’s here the investors are needed, because the involved banks and commitment holders are not allowed to trade with their own money, unless they have reserved enough funds on the market– money that belongs to the investors which is never used and never at risk.

The involved banks (the Trading Banks) can lend out money to the “trader”, and it’s typically 1:10, but can during certain conditions be as much as 20:1. So if the trader can “reserve” USD100M, then the bank can lend out USD1B (actually, the bank giving the trader a line of credit based on how much money the trader/commitment holder has, since the bank doesn’t lend out that much money without collateral, and not depending on how much money the investors have.

So, if a trader says that he must be “in control” of the investor’s funds, then it means that he’s not one of the “big boys”, but plays on the open spot market. Lots of different “instruments” are traded. If the trader only needs to reserve the investor’s funds, and doesn’t need to be in control of the funds, then he’s trading in this “private market”.

Because lots of bankers and other people in the financial world are well aware of the open market, as well as being aware of the so-called “MTN-programs”, but are closed out from the private market, however; they find it hard to believe that the private market exists.

Arbitrage and Leverage

The real core of the trading and its safety is due to the fact that they arrange the buy-sell transaction as arbitrage, which means that the instrument will be bought and sold at the same time with a pre-defined price, and that a chain of buyers/sellers are contracted, including the exit-buyers who often are institutions, other banks, insurance companies, big companies, or other wealthy individuals. The issued instruments are never sold directly to the exit-buyer, but to a chain of up to 3-7, or even perhaps 50 investors. The involved banks cannot for obvious reason directly participate in this as in-between buyers and sellers, but they are still profiting from it indirectly, because they are lending out their money (with interest) to the trader, or to the investor as a line of credit. This is the Leverage. Furthermore, the banks profit from the commissions involved in each buy-sell transaction of debt bank instruments in the trading circle. Now, the investor’s principal doesn’t have to be used for the transactions, but it’s only reserved as a compensating balance “mirrored”, if you will, against this credit line. And this credit line is then used to back up the arbitrage buy-sell transaction. Now, since the trading is done as arbitrage, the money (the credit line) doesn’t have to be used, but it must still be there available to back up each and every buy-sell transaction. Such programs never fail because they don’t start before all actors have been contracted, and each actor knows what role to play and how they will profit from the transaction. This is the real type of PPO’s!

A trader that is able to do leverage is able to control a credit of typically 10 to 20 times that of the principal, but even though he’s in control of that money, he’s not able to spend the money. He only needs to show that he has the money and that he’s in control of the money, and that the money is not used somewhere else at the time of the buy-sell transaction. The money is never spent. And the reason is that the trading is done as an arbitrage transaction.

Let me present an example:

Let’s say that you’re offered the chance to buy a car for USD30K, and that you also find another buyer that is willing to buy it from you for USD35K. If the buy-sell transaction is done at the same time, then you don’t have to spend USD30K, and then wait to earn the USD35K since it can be done at the same time you cash in USD5K in profit. However, you must still have that USD30K and prove that you’re in control of it.

Arbitrage transactions with discounted bank instruments are done in a similar way. The involved traders never spend the money, but they must be in control of it. And the investor’s principal is reserved directly for this, or indirectly, in order for the trader to leverage.

Confusion is rife because most seem to believe that the money must be spent. And even though this is the traditional way of trading – buy low and sell high, and also the common way to trade on the open market for securities and bank instruments, it’s possible to set up arbitrage transactions if there’s a chain of contracted buyers.

You can also realize now why in these Private Placement Programs, the investor funds are always safe without any trading risk, or whatever  other risk, except for the normal bank system risk (a bank can still virtually go bankrupt!!!)

High Yield

Usually these programs get a very high yield if compared with the common yield reachable with the traditional investments. Most people do not believe that a yield of 50%-100% per week is possible. It is again a problem of knowledge of working programs and this example can shed some light on the matter:

Assume a leverage effect of 10:1, which means that the trader is able to back each buy-sell transactions with 10 times the amount of money that the investor has in his bank account. Let’s say that the investor has USD10M, so the trader is able to work with USD100M. Now let’s assume that the trader is able to do one buy-sell transaction per day for 3 days per week for 40 banking weeks (that’s 1 year), and that the profit is 5% in each buy-sell transaction. That makes 5%x3=15%, and with the leverage effect, the profit will be 10 times as high, or 150% per week. Then this return will be split between the investor and the Trading Group (for projects), but the final net yield for the investor will still be a double-digit weekly yield!! Bear also in mind that the above example can be still seen as conservative because tier one level Trading Groups can get a much higher single spread for each transaction as well as a markedly higher number of weekly trades enhancing considerably the final yield!! I understand that such a high yield might seem ridiculously high, but that is because it’s compared to traditional ways of investment and trading.


The involved investors (the Program’s Investors) are not the end-buyer in the chain, but the real end-buyer are financially strong companies who are looking for a long term and safe investment, like personal funds, trusts, insurance companies, etc. And because they are needed as end-buyer, they are not permitted to participate “in –between” as investors. The investor who participates in a Private Placement Investment Program is just an actor in the picture amongst many other actors (bank funds/insurance, etc, trading groups as traders/ commitment holders, intermediaries/brokers) who gets the advantage to benefit from this trading. The investor usually does not see most of the actors involved in the process, because he will deal with brokers, Trading Groups / Traders and trading Banks only.

Programs Structure

Usually, a trading program is nothing other than a pre-arranged buy-sell transaction of discounted banking instruments made as an arbitrage transaction. Virtually, an investor with large amounts of funds (on the level of 100M-500M USD) could arrange for this own program by implementing for himself the buy-sell transaction, but in this case he needs to gain control of the whole process, making contract with the Provider banks for the bank instruments and at the same time for the exit buyers. This is not a simple task at all considering that there are many FED restrictions to be passed, and at the same time, it is very difficult to get the strong necessary connections with the related parties (the issuing banks/providers for the bank instruments and the exit-buyers).

For an investor, it is much simpler (and usually more profitable) to enter a program where the Trader with his Trading Group has already everything in place (the issuing banks, the exit-buyer, the contracts ready for the arbitrage transaction, the line of credit with the trading banks, all of the necessary guarantees/safety for the investor, etc.) and the investor needs only to agree with the contract proposed by the Trader, forgetting about any other underlying problem.

Another advantage for the client is that he can enter a program with a substantially lower amount of money against the case to proceed by himself because he will take indirectly advantage of the line of credit of the Trading Group.

Non-Solicitation and Non-Disclosure

As a direct consequence of the Private Placements environment where this business has to take place, a non-solicitation regulation has to be strictly followed by all of the involved parties. This factor strongly influences the way the parties, and actors can deal each other, and the way they can make contact. Sometimes, this fact can also be the cause of the origin of scams (or attempts to scam), due to the fact that at an early stage, it is often difficult for the investors to realize if they are really in contact with a reliable source.

There is another reason why so few experienced people talk about this transaction: virtually every contract involving the use of these high-yield instruments contain very explicit non- circumvention, as well as non-disclosure clauses forbidding the contracting parties from discussing any aspect of the transaction for a period of years. Hence, it is very difficult to locate experienced contracts who are both knowledgeable and willing to talk openly about this type of instrument, and the profitability of the transaction in which they figure. This is a highly private business; not advertised anywhere, nor covered in the press and not open to anyone, but the best-connected, most wealthy entities that can come forward with substantial cash funds.

How Banks and Brokers Can Earn

Banks are not allowed to act as investors in such programs. However, they are able to profit from it indirectly in different ways, first by getting large commissions. This fact permits some private entities like brokers, trading groups, and private investors to take part in this business that otherwise would be a banking matter only! The private assets coming from private clients are necessary to start the process. These private, large cash funds are the mandatory requirement for the buy-sell transaction of banking debt instruments, and as a consequence, also the mandatory requirement for the programs through the Trading Groups. Brokers are necessary to introduce the investors to the trading groups! Thus, each of the involved entities takes their part in the sharing of the benefits, commissions for banks/brokers, and proceeds for trading groups/investors.


Projects are usually involved in these programs. However, the purpose of this type of trading is NOT to finance humanitarian projects. It’s true that projects, not just humanitarian projects, can be funded as a result of this trading, and since this type of trading generates such huge amounts of money on the market, measures must be taken to keep the inflation low, and one way is to finance different projects. If too much money is created, the result is inflation, and in order to be able to continue creating debt, different measures must be taken to keep the inflation low. One way is to adjust the interest rates. However, for this kind of trading, this is not possible; it has little or no effect. A better way is to let some of the profit be used for different projects that need funding; for instance, to rebuild the infrastructure in regions of the world that have experienced catastrophes, war, etc., because that creates jobs for people in those regions, as well as for subcontractors in the west.

So, the reason for project funding is primarily not to support humanitarian organizations, even though that also happens, but to fight against inflation.

Process Synthesis

The complete process involving the issuing of debt-notes, the arbitrage transaction, the programs, the projects, etc. is as a final synthesis a result of combined market forces: banks have a method of increasing their revenues and profits, investors are able to finance different ventures, borrowers are able to access loan funds. There is a supply and demand for such instruments, and as long as the supply and demand exists, then this kind of trading will also exist.

Process Summary

As a summary of the process involved for entering a program:

  • An investor with USD10M and up can be an applicant for a Private Placement Investment Program.
  • This business is entirely private. To get access to these investment programs, the investor needs to send his preliminary documentation to some broker whom the investor trusts to be in direct contact with the Trading Group. There is no other way for the investor to make contact with the Trading Group at this stage.
  • After the investor has sent his paperwork, the Trading Group will proceed to its Due Diligence on the applicant, and if the response is positive, and cleared, then the program manager in the trading group will contact the investor by phone and/or fax and invite the investor to a face-to-face meeting. However, usually, if the investor is not willing to travel, everything can be done by fax, phone, and courier mail. If not cleared, then the program manager will contact the broker, and then tell him that the investor did not qualify, and then the broker forwards on that information to the investor who often gets upset and might discredit the broker and/or intermediary, maybe on a due diligence message board.
  • During the contact with the investor, the trader will explain the program’s terms/conditions, the guarantees, the contract details, as well as the next step required to start the program. Then, it’s necessary and required by the program terms, the investor will get instructions to open a new sole signatory bank account at the Trading Bank for transferring the funds there. The Trader has prepared everything; so the investor is able to open the Bank account without delay (because he has already been cleared). Otherwise, the investor will be invited to prepare his own bank to block/reserve the funds into his own account at his own bank for one year without any transfer of money.
  • The investor will receive a contract which states the total gross yield, the percentage of the gross profit reserved for projects, the percentage for the Trading Group, and the percentage for commissions/fees to be deducted for brokers/intermediaries. The net return to the investor will be wired to another investor returns account that can be located in any bank worldwide. If the client accepts the contract, the contract is signed, and the program is ready to start.
  • The Trader is now able to leverage the investor’s reserved money 10 times and is now able to back up the arbitrage transaction with the money, a credit line that remains in the bank account that is screened before each arbitrage buy-sell transactions. Trading now continues, and the profit is paid out once per week (or per day/month, or whatever depending on the program terms, to the investor. The investor instructs the bank to wire out the commission part to the broker’s bank coordinates. The program continues the above loop for each week until the end of the program, usually 40 banking weeks.

The programs can work with cash only. This fact does not mean that the investor will only be accepted in the case he owns cash. The investor can be accepted by some Trading Groups also with financial assets like MTN, BG, CD, SBLC, SKR, etc. that the Trader then will use for getting his own line of credit at the Trading Bank to run the program. In this case, the investor will have the advantage of profiting both from the program, and still from the yield coming from the instrument (i.e. the scheduled interest of a CD, or MTN).

Analysis of Risk Involved in PPO Contracts

Finalizing PPO contracts with investors is usually always a long stressful process because the involved parties can stumble upon many problems along the way. We will observe a list of possible problems of behavior from the standpoint of the main parties involved at the bottom line of the process:

  • The investor
  • The brokers/intermediaries
  • Then there will follow some hints on possible scams, and warning for scams, in this business.
Contact Us today for all your funding needs, including Loans, Project Finance, Bank Guarantee, SBLC, Letters of credit, DLC. 
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative in your country, EMAIL us  for more information.

The world’s most popular app will soon be where you do your shopping, too

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Not that long ago, Facebook was just a popular social network. Today,it’s on its way to becoming an interface for the entire internet, so much so that many Facebook users in developing countries have little experience of the internet outside of it.

In a step to further its control of the web—specifically the mobile web—the company announced that in the coming weeks it’s going to begin testing a new feature that will let users shop directly in its app. It’s also rolling out a new ad format: Rather than redirect users to a brand’s website when they click an ad in the Facebook app, it will show them a page of products within the app.

Both features would ultimately have the same result, which is to keep people in the Facebook app even more, and could make Facebook a major shopping destination as much as a place to connect with others.

Facebook's new shopping feature
Soon you won’t need to leave Facebook for anything.

In the US, for instance, consumers already spend 85% of their time on smartphones in apps, and just a few apps at that, with Facebook leading the pack. And while app use is increasing, the number of apps people in the US use generally isn’t. They’re just spending more time in the same few. Add to that the fact that consumers already make most of their online purchases on mobile—but don’t want to use a separate retailer’s app for each one—and Facebook is poised to become a major gateway for online shopping.

Undoubtedly retailers will want to reach Facebook’s 1.25 billion monthly active users on mobile, but the company isn’t known for giving away access for free. If the shopping feature takes off, retailers will likely have to pay to get their products in front of potential customers.

It’s notable that the move comes just a few months after Instagram, which Facebook owns, launched ads that prompt customers to shop the products featured. Instagram has long been seen as a potential gold mine for retailers (paywall), since its users already spend a huge amount of time on the app looking at clothes. The ads it launched, however, direct users to mobile sites outside the app. The ideal scenario for retailers would be precisely the one Facebook is starting to test on its app.

According to the information released, Facebook will start with a “limited set of small businesses in the US who are also testing the Shop section on Pages,” and will expand over time to include more content, such as “items listed for sale in Facebook Groups.”

As that happens, Facebook will inch closer to becoming the world’s virtual town square, where people interact, get their news, and do their shopping.

Contact Us today for all your funding needs, including Loans, Project Finance, Bank Guarantee, SBLC, Letters of credit, DLC. 
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative in your country, EMAIL us  for more information.