bank instrument providers

What Can I do With A BG or SBLC?

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What can a SBLC be used for?

SBLC’s (and BG’s) can be used to enhance your ability to apply for a line of credit with your bank; in other words, it can be used as collateral when your bank is asking for additional comfort when you ask them to fund your project. We can help you acquire an SBLC.

The SBLC’s we deal in are genuinely 100% cash-backed and therefore usable as collateral. Our issuers only use top 25 World Banks – mainly from Europe like HSBC, Deutsche, UBS etc. This guarantees world wide acceptance of your SBLC.

These SBLC’s are generated by “someone” blocking their funds on your behalf, so we speak of a “leased” SBLC. In other words the SBLC is owned by the issuer and you are the beneficiary.

The SBLC is generally issued for 1 year and 1 day, but can easily be extended up to 5 years. (It is possible to get an SBLC for only 6 months). Once issued the SBLC is transferred to your bank via the Swift protocol of MT760.

Of course, Leasing of an SBLC comes at a cost. And to be very honest: at a high cost. Financing your project by using an SBLC is very expensive. First you need to pay money to the issuer of the SBLC plus commission to the consultants facilitating the process, Then you need to give the SBLC to your bank, who are providing a Line of Credit against the SBLC, which may only be up to 90% LTV or less. And usually, your bank will charge a one off fee to ‘monetise’ the instrument and also charge interest on the drawn down loan amount.

To successfully apply for an SBLC you need to be aware of four vital points:
a) You need to have a good project
b) You need to have a bank funding your project based on the supporting collateral of an issued SBLC
c) You need to have the money to pay for the leasing of the SBLC, you may also need to pay brokers if they are involved in the transaction.
d) You need to have a believable and realistic exit strategy to repay the loan and return the SBLC at the end of the term

All the SBLC’s we deal with are callable, assignable, fully transferable and lienable.

If you are thinking of using an SBLC to participate in a High Yield Trade Program, we are more than happy to assist you in acquiring the SBLC and placing it into trade.

However, you need to be very sure you are able to pay the leasing fees of the SBLC before issue, as most providers will not allow the instrument to be taken into a Trade Program unless and until the fee is paid. You cannot pay the lease fee from the program returns.

It is also not possible to use an SBLC to secure a commodity trade and pay for the SBLC out of the profits from the transaction. When paid for and used correctly, these instruments provide numerous lucrative options. we can provide BG’s, SBLC’s and CD’s, which can be blocked or delivered via SWIFT.

Typical projects we have had successful applications for are:

– Construction and Development
– Resorts -Building or Upgrading
– Growing a Company
– Trade Programs
DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference.
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.

One artist’s quest to draw attention to the drought

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Artist Mundano traveled California with a giant bright-green cactus to convey the urgency of vanishing water.

The drought in California is the worst in 1,200 years. Brazilian artist Mundano — known forcalling attention to the water crisis in his hometown of São Paulo — recently toured the state and installed his eye-catching artworks in lakes, reservoirs and locations affected by the lack of water. We joined him on his journey.

top bg provider- DL Financial LTD

A cactus is an oasis in the desert

Mundano’s tour included eight lakes and reservoirs that supply the cities of California — and crucially, also supply the farmers of the Central Valley, who produce a full 25% of all the food consumed in the United States. At each site, Mundano installed a cactus sculpture constructed from recycled water pipes. Here, Lake McClure in Mariposa County, California, where the water is currently at 8% capacity.

genuine bank guarantee provider- DL Financial ltd

When the pipes run dry, tap a cactus

Mundano’s cactus has become an international symbol of the effects of climate change. “I started painting cacti as graffiti a long time ago,” he says. “To me, they are the symbol of strength and the best representation of the Brazilian people, who survive on very little — but it is also an international symbol anyone can identify with.” Each sculpture is fitted with taps that run (temporarily!) with real freshwater.

providers of loan DL FInancial Ltd

Fracked dry

Mundano uses street signs posted on his cacti and at the bottom of dry lake beds to bring the drought home. In California, water-intensive fracking is used to extract fossil fuels, exacerbating the drought conditions that have had such a stark effect on the state’s landscape. “I went to California in search of similarities with Brazil, but ended up finding more differences,” he says. “In the Cantareira mountain region that supplies water to São Paulo, an enviable watershed still exists despite the empty reservoirs. You can still see green weeds sprouting in the dry soil. California, on the contrary, is completely dry — desert. The exposed floors of the lakes and reservoirs are petrified.”

Providers of Loan, bank guarantees & SBLC

No water — no fun

Mundano’s cactus rises out of the drained pool of a water park in Kern County, California, a shale oil-producing area. “This, to me, was one of the coolest images we made. I was astounded by the contrast of a water park in the middle of the worst drought in more than 1,200 years — even one that has been shut down,” he says.

Providers of Loan, bank guarantees & SBLC

Remnants of abandoned lives

Laguna Lake, in San Luis Obispo, California, is littered with the icons of former grandeur — houses, piers, boats. In this image, Mundano jumped inside an abandoned dinghy. “The Cantareira reservoirs supply water to more than 9 million São Paulo residents; they are nearly completely dry,” says Mundano. “In California, I had the same feeling: the water will end. And I’m not talking about the water that we will leave for our children, but the water we need next year. We need citizens to mobilize to reverse this scenario.”

Providers of Loan, bank guarantees & SBLC

Brazil comes to Venice

Mundano, wearing his trademark hat, makes his mark on Venice Beach.

Providers of Loan, bank guarantees & SBLC

Feel the force (of the drought)

Cosplay actors played with Mundano’s cactus when he installed it temporarily on the Los Angeles Walk of Fame. Here, Darth Vader helped to bring his message to Hollywood.

Providers of Loan, bank guarantees & SBLC

Heads up, Governor Brown

Mundano posed the cactus with a papier mâché stand-in for California governor Jerry Brown in Richmond, California, where Chevron operates an oil refinery and ships oil out on tanker trains. “This is a call for the governor to push forward renewable energy,” says Mundano. “There’s no reason why not. In California, compared to Brazil, renewable energy sources are more readily available. It’s common to see solar panels on people’s houses, and the idea of generating energy from renewable sources is culturally accepted.”

All images courtesy Mundano.

Beware of These Bank Guarantee Warning Signs

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Bank-Guarantee-Warning-Sign- DL Financial LTD

Homeless people buying, owning, leasing, renting or monetizing Bank Guarantees is never going to happen! Despite this every day we get contacted by so many people who are under the false illusion that they can own or lease a BG/SBLC free of charge with EMPTY POCKETS. They want the Funder or BG provider to pay all expenses so they can do a deal for FREE, taking no risk, investing none of their own money and having no liability. Those types of deals do not exist in the real world, if they did there wont be any poor man in the world today. 

The Sad Reality is our industry is full of people that believe the fairy tale that Bank Guarantees can be obtained with NO MONEY UPFRONT. The fact is they can’t! They never have been able to be purchased for free and they never will be! ALL banks especially Top 25 banks charge fees to create and transmit the Bank Guarantee to a Funder. NO BANK will do that for free! No Bank will take the risk on a transaction for the customer. NONE!

If the bank is not paid, no Bank Guarantee will EVER get sent. And if the customer (you) are not paying for the bank guarantee to be sent…. then it wont be sent and no deal will ever be concluded! You can be absolutely sure that NO BG ISSUER is going to pay the bank fees for you, why would they? If they own the BG and they pay the Bank Fees as well, why do they need you as the customer? They may as well transmit the BG to the Funder themselves and keep all the profit for themselves. Why would they share a cent with a client who has put up no money and taken no risk?

Its just a bad joke that people believe the free BG fairy tale! Regrettably so many people are busy believing the “I can get a Bank Guarantee with No Upfront Fees Lie” that they waste hundreds of hours each year trying to find the Gold at the end of the Rainbow that DOES NOT EXIST & NEVER HAS EXISTED!

$1,000 Reward Offered

We will pay any client $1,000 who can show us documented evidence of all stages of a BG Transaction being Issued, Funded and over 1 Million Dollars being paid to the clients account with the client putting No Money Upfront. Yes thats right, we will pay any client who has transacted a deal $1,000 if they can show us accurate, factual, irrefutable documentary proof that they have completed the funding of ANY BG transaction (must be a recent transaction of no more than 3 months old) with ANY rated bank and banked a profit of over 1 million dollars.

Please, I beg you, prove us wrong! If there are hundreds of people doing Bank Guarantee Deals for Free…. and there should be because everyone is talking about it…… then come take our $1,000 money!

Try going to your local airline and telling the airline i need you to fly me across the country for free and when i get to my destination i will pay you then! See how many plane rides you can take….. NONE! Freeloaders get Nowhere! If free Bank Guarantees were a reality….. Every homeless person in this world would be doing BG deals every week.

But FREE Bank Guarantees are not a reality, they are a fairy tale, a legend promoted by poor people to live on the hope of a dream to get rich from nothing. You have more chance of buying a lottery ticket and winning the lottery than ever completing a BG Deal for free. At least with the lottery ticket you paid the money to receive the chance.

DL Financial Limited are the most reliable providers of loan, international project funding, bank guarantees, sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly contact us via email for more information.

What is a Bank Guarantee (BG)?- The Full Meaning of Bank Guarantee

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What is a Bank Guarantee (BG)?

The term “bank guarantee” has no precise definition, particularly in international law. Some use the term exclusively to describe a transaction in which one party makes an independent guarantee commitment in respect of another party’s liabilities, regardless of the latter’s form and enforceability. Others describe guarantees as all transactions in which security is offered; from letters of comfort (which often are morally binding at most) to surety bonds and abstract payment undertakings.

A Bank Guarantee can be described as a Letter of Guarantee issued by one bank to another bank to guarantee the performance of an obligation on the part of the applicant, guaranteeing the beneficiary.

A Bank Guarantee is where one Bank (the Issuing Bank) issues an indemnity to another Bank (the Beneficiary Bank) or directly to a Beneficiary, on behalf of its account holder. The Issuing Bank will expect its account holder to pledge ‘assets’ to the bank for its issue.

Bank Guarantee’s take many forms.

Some Guarantees are written to guarantee rental payments, some are written to guarantee payments upon the meeting of certain conditions. Some are even issued to guarantee loans and credit lines. All of them are written for a specific purpose to a specific party.

Each Bank Guarantee will be worded for the purposes it is intended. Some may be ‘callable upon demand’ or some may only be ‘callable’ when the Beneficiary provides notice of satisfaction of a pre-determined condition.

Currently, under the new Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG 758) an underlying contract should be provided that states clearly the purpose of the Bank Guarantee and forms part of the Guarantee, for example a Rent Agreement or Payment Obligation.

In international trade dealings, buyers and sellers often experience problems of trust within each other to honor their payment obligations. A seller may find it difficult to ascertain the buyer’s willingness and ability to make payment, whilst the buyer may not be convinced that the seller genuinely intends to perform his side of the agreement or has the necessary financial and technical resources to do so. Just as the buyer needs protection against non-performance, so the seller will want to minimize or insure against the risk of non-payment. Documentary credits are generally used in such cases, yet various other forms of bank guarantees are available.

The common element in all these arrangements is that the guarantor undertakes to be answerable for the payment of a debt or the fulfillment of a payment obligation in the event of default by the party that is responsible for it.

DL Financial Limited are direct provider of bank Guarantees (BG), SBLC, DLC and All other types of Letters of Credit. We are legally registered Financial Firm with good reputation. We only work with Top Prime rated global banks.

We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the Deed of Agreement (DOA). All our customers can engage our leased bank instruments into trade programs, Business expansion projects, Aviation projects, Agricultural projects, Petroleum/Oil/Gas, Telecommunication, Construction Projects and any other turnkey project. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable.


1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG)/SBLC

2. Total Face Value: Eur/Usd 1M MIN and Eur/Usd 50B MAX).

3. Issuing Bank: HSBC, Barclays Bank, Standard Chartered, Citibank or AA rated Bank in Western Europe or USA.

4. Age: One Year, One Day

5. Leasing Price: 4% of Face Value plus 1% brokers commission (only if there is a broker involved in the transaction)

6. Delivery SWIFT TO SWIFT.

7. Payment: Wire Transfer.

8.. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.

All relevant information will be provided to any serious customer upon request.

Please forward all your inquiries & consultations to our contact details as follows:


Understanding the main Difference Between Institutional and Private Capital Funding and Funders

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Banking as we once knew it is gone for a very long time. In fact, very few institutional banks funded large commercial projects in 2008. I have substantial visibility into the market and the only institutional activity I saw was banks calling their notes due immediately. Banks were forced to do this because of their own liquidity issues and many developers were left with no funds and the project(s) came to a screeching halt.

“Joe Developer” then knocked on every bank’s door only to find the same answer: “sorry, we are not lending right now.”

Since the death of institutional banking, the developers have gone to the private equity world to get their projects funded. My company has always worked exclusively in the private equity side of funding and have had to introduce many of these seasoned developers to the private funding world. Fortunately, this world is actually more simple and efficient than the traditional, institutional banking model. There are, however, some differences that anyone seeking private financing for the first time needs to be made aware of.

1. Your private funder usually has his own idiosyncrasies. For example, a funder may only be interested in hospitality projects in Costa Rica, Mexico and Panama. That’s just his funding footprint. He knows the area and is comfortable lending there.

2. There are no referrals in the private money world. Period. Your local bank advertises their closings. Private money never discloses their transactions or their clients. Your private funder will have you sign an NCND, which means you cannot even reveal who funded your project. This protects the funder. He does not want to be vetted, interviewed or interrogated. He usually has a “gate keeper” or “master broker” that will qualify you. Once you fit his funding footprint, he will want to meet you face to face. At this point, the funder will give you every comfort level you will need to assure you of his abilities to fund your project.

3. Private money moves fast. If you, as a developer, have all of your business in order, you can fund in as little as a week.

4. Private money has no rules. Every funder has their own terms and will structure a loan in the most “make sense” way for your project. It’s best to hear what is offered than tell him what you will accept. As the old addage goes, “the tail will not wag the dog”.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference.
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.
DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider 

Our Number One Managed Bank Guarantee Program

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$350K Deposit to 30 Million Non Recourse in 45 to 90 Days OR $500K Deposit to 100 Million Non Recourse in 45 to 90 Days

This program is an End to End Managed Bank Guarantee Funding and Monetization Program. The Program has two Options:

  • $350K Deposit in 30 Million Non Recourse in 45 to 90 Days, OR
  • $500K Deposit to 100 Million Non Recourse in 45 to 90 Days.

The program includes Total Deposit Protection with a very high profile Attorney Trust Account protected by a law firm that was founded by a Supreme Court Judge.

Either your Bank Guarantee is Issued or you Get your Deposit Returned, we make money closing deals NOT taking Deposits!

The level of transparency, access, protection and proof provided in this program is unique and is rarely offered in the Bank Guarantee industryDL FINANCIAL LTD Money

The entire End to End Proven Program includes BOTH Issuing a Bank Guarantee and Funding that Bank Guarantee. Everything has been prestructured, preapproved and prenegotiated so it is hassle and headache free with certain predetermed outcomes you can bank on.

We provide total contract protection with the BG Issuer and BG Funder agreeing to penalties up to 20 times your deposit! Full Non Recourse Funding in the program means you do not have to repay a cent! The Bank Guarantee is Issued from AAA Rated Top 25 Bank and funded from a second AAA Rated Top 25 Bank. Client Deposits are paid to Attorney Trust Account where Trust Attorney and Barrister has No Criminal History, No Criminal Record, No Criminal Convictions and is the Legal Counsel for Governments and major Corporations.

There is No Trading, No Leveraging, No Borrowing, No Currency Investing and we DO NOT require any Project Documentation.

All we need to issue program agreements to clients is this one Document to be Completed: Managed BG Program Client Enrollment Form which we will send upon your request.

A Comprehensive Managed Bank Guarantee Program Overview (18 Pages) explaining the exact processes, procedure of how your $350K Deposit results in 30 Million of Non Recourse Funding in 45 to 90 Days OR $500K Deposit results in 100 Million Non Recourse in 45 to 90 Days will also be sent upon request.

Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. If you are tired of brokers and scammers cheating you and telling you stories and no one ever delivering what they promised, maybe its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd.

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

Are you looking for proof of funds (POF) or Blocked Funds for investments or trading?

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You can have access to amounts between $500,000 to $2 Billion World Wide Funds are in a bank account with your name or company name.

DL Financial provides Proof of Funds to our clients for credit enhancement purpose. Blocked funds are in an account with the client listed as the funds owner for a pre-determined amount of time.

These can be:

  • Bank Comfort Letters (BCL)
  • Bank statements
  • SWIFT MT799
  • SWIFT MT760
  • SWIFT MT199
  • Bank Guarantees
  • Stand By Letter of Credit (SBLC)
  • VOD (1006)
  • Escrow Accounts (with major escrow companies)

It is important to understand that this is not a loan and the money will never move from the account. It is blocked, but free and clear.

You receive Verification of the funds and proof that the funds are yours (for verification purpose only). There are different ways to verify those funds. Some banks or financial institutions let you go to your local bank or branch. Some have a dedicated National 800 number, while others use online services.

The cost for this service varies according to the POF amount, the type of account as well as the length of time needed to show the funds.

We must be satisfied with your capacity to pay the up front fee for providing Proof of Funds (known as the Arrangement Fee). Payment of the Arrangement Fee in the form of a “success fee” is not acceptable.

Any use including:

  • Net worth Requirement
  • Facilitate buy / sell arrangements
  • Show of Down payment to get REO offers accepted
  • Bond Requirement
  • Proof of Liquidity
  • Proof of Collateral
  • Reserved or Blocked funds for investments

Minimum of only 1 month with discounts for multiple months.
Brokers paid for referrals!

Proof of Funds Program Highlights:

  • Accounts available from $100K to $2 billion
  • Money Market funds seasoned for six (6) months
  • No Credit Check or Financial Statements Required
  • Funds in an account under client’s name and signature

  • 30 & 60 day accounts, with discounts provided for renewal terms
  • Standard bank Verification of Deposit provided for all accounts
  • Bank accounts opened and confirmed in writing by bank officers
  • SWIFT MT799/760 confirmation option available in Offshore Banks
  • Brokers paid for referrals

Program Highlights

Proof of Funds Program Highlights:

  • amount available ranging from $500K to 200 + billion.
  • Funds seasoned for up to six (6) months.
  • Rates starting at 2% per month.
  • 30, 60 & 90 day accounts, with discounts provided for renewal terms.
  • You  have access to the paperwork in less than 24 hours after confirmation.
  • Funds in an account under your name and signature.

Types of accounts:

  • Domestic Brokerage Firm:
  • Domestic Banks:
  • Brokerage Accounts
  • Prime Western Europe Banks:
  • Domestic Hedge Investment (NON BANK)

Types of confirmation

  • Standard verification of deposit (VOD): the customer faxes over a form to the financial institution. They then look up the account information, and fill out a standard form.
  • Bank-to-bank electronic confirmation.
All accounts require full client disclosure and are opened in strict compliance with the provisions of the International Money Laundering Regulations and the US Patriot Act.
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.


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We are DIRECT providers of Bank Guarantees, SBLC, DLC, Letters of Credit, MTN, Usance LC etc.

Description of Instruments:

1. Instrument:              Bank Guarantee (BG) /StandBy Letter of Credit (SBLC)
2. Total Face Value:      Eur/USD 1Million (Min) to Eur/USD 50Billion (Max)
3. Issuing Bank:            Barclays Bank London, HSBC Bank London, Lloyds TSB, Deutsch Bank AG,  Frankfurt  or any AA Rated Bank.
4. Age:                        One Year and  One Day
5. Leasing Price:           4% of Face Value plus 2% brokers commission (only if there is a broker involved in the transaction)
6. Delivery:                   Bank-To-Bank Swift.
7. Payment:                  Wire Transfer
8. Hard Copy:                Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.

1. Both parties (Lessor and Lessee) execute, sign and initiate the Deed of Agreement, which thereby automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract.

2. Within 1 day after Both parties sign the Agreement, Lessor will issue a Notarized signed and sealed Corporate Refund Recourse Undertaking to the Lessee guarantying to refund Lessee all the cost incurred by lessee for the bank transmission charges (For swift MT760 BG/SBLC or Pre-advice MT799 or both as the case may be) after due execution of the contract.

3. Within 3 working days after Lessee receives Lessor’s signed and sealed Corporate Refund Recourse Undertaking, Lessee will make payment by wire transfer into the Lessor’s bank  account for the bank transmission charges for the BG/SBLC MT760 swift transmission or Pre-advice MT799 swift transmission or both.

4. Within Three (3) banking days after confirmation of receipt of payment of the bank transmission charges for the BG/SBLC MT760 swift in Lessor’s bank account, the Lessor will deliver the BG/SBLC via bank confirmation of swift BG/SBLC MT760 to the Lessee’s banker including the hard copy of the BG/SBLC via bank bonded courier in
Seven (7) banking days.

5. Lessee pays Lessor the leasing fee and the brokers their commission fees not later than 21 banking days after the BG/SBLC hard copy is received and confirmed at lessee’s bank. Should Lessee default to pay the leasing fees to the Lessor and the brokers commission fees as agreed after 21 banking days of confirmation of BG/SBLC MT760 in lessee’s bank account, Lessor will instruct the issuing bank to put a claim on the BG/SBLC thereby forcing the Lessee’s bankers to return the BG/SBLC MT760 to the issuing Bank.

6. Any unauthorized calls or communication to bank (s) by any party or their representatives  transaction is highly prohibited and can result to contract termination.
7. The bank transmission fee depends on the face value of the BG. Tell us the face value of your required BG / SBLC and we will tell you the cost. 
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.
DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

DL Financial- Helping Bank Guarantee Brokers Bank Big Deals

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Bank Guarantee Brokers…. If you want to earn big commissions work with a company like DL Financial Limited that delivers without stories! Too many brokers waste time and money chasing dreams of big deals with service providers that NEVER deliver and as a result they NEVER get paid and end up with NOTHING.

Rule #1 to getting paid on Big Deals, work with a company that performs!

DL Financial Ltd pays attractive commissions and ALWAYS protects Brokers. Please read the Top 11 Reasons Why DL Financial Limited is #1 and Review our Broker Agreement or contact us via email for more information. 

We look forward to working with you!

DL Financial Ltd- Brokers

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference.
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.
DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

LATEST TRANSACTIONS (Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantees, SBLC’s, DLC’s)

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>> DL FINANCIAL provided Letter of Credit EUR 2,500,000/- for Canned Mackerel/Sardines & Spaghetti Noodles transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Standby Letter of Credit USD 14,000,000/- for Gold transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Letter of Credit USD 7,460,000/- for Thai Parboiled Rice transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Advance Payment Guarantee USD 5,195,500/- for Crude Degummed Rapeseed Oil transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Letter Of Credit value USD 5,000,000/- towards Steel Bars supplier.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Performance Guarantee USD 3,756,000/- for Sugar transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Bank Guarantee USD 85,000,000 /- for imports of Heavy Machinery.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Letter Of Credit USD 4,000,000/- for Rice transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided SBLC USD 6,700,000/- for Imports of Steel Bars.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Bank Guarantee for USD 5,400,600/- for Iron transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Letter of Credit value USD 940,685/- towards Stainless steel supplier.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Performance Guarantee USD 5,000,000/- for Crude oil transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Bank Comfort Letter for Jet fuel oil transaction.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided Standby letter of credit value USD 56,000,000/- for imports of Bitumen.

>> DL FINANCIAL provided at sight letter of credit value USD 790,000/- for wheat transaction.

The above are just few bank instruments and letters of credit transactions which DL Financial successfully closed recently. Being one of the leading providers of bank guarantees, SBLC’s and Letters of Credit, its high time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the DL Financial difference. 
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.
DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider